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  1. FastBurst

    XP System

    Version 1.6.3


    The XP System is an XP and Rewards based system. Designed to keep players to keep playing on your servers. I have been running this for years now on my servers and I must say it is great, Players are always on trying to get the MOST XP and to remain as the leader at the top of the list and hold the title. Has a Prestige Leveling system with it as well, so every time a player hits 100 XP, they Prestige and it is announced to the server. At that point the rewards are all now double (see screenshots below) if they Prestige a 3rd time then the rewards are triple and so forth, The most I have personally seen a player Prestige was 6 times in a single wipe. Of course the longer the wipe schedule the more a player can earn. Time for leveling is set to every 30 Minutes of being on the server, with a warning to all players a few mins before that XP is about to be issued and to make sure they have space in their inventory. The leader with the most XP, Also is broadcasted to everyone. The leader also receives each time they hold the title A random amount of Scrap as well as a Large Present. NOTE: The leader will hold the title whether they are online or offline until another players takes over. IF the leader is offline they will NOT gain more XP, they must be online in order to gain XP. However they will still gain the Leader Rewards if they are still the leader and offline until another players gains the most XP beating them. Features Custom Rewards Items (this doesn't need to be changed as it is setup pretty damn good as is and none of my players have ever complained about any of the items. (recommend just leaving it as is) Auto Wipe Feature when server is wipe to reset all player data Apply extra rewards for Top XP Leader Set min and max amounts of Scrap Rewards for TOP XP Leader Level Settings are already setup (highly recommended that you DO NOT CHANGE ANY OF IT) Top XP Leader broadcasted to all players when rewards are issued so everyone knows who the XP Leader is. Encourages players to stay on your servers so they can try and be the leader - I cannot tell you how funny it is to see players jump on right after a wipe just so they can try and be the TOP XP Leader and try and hold the Title Features and API XP Call that I personally use for DeathNotes (requires a customized DeathNotes to work, if you want a copy please DM me with your Order Number and I will send you a custom DeathNotes Plugin to use with the XP System, What this does is when a Death Note is used, it shows the Current XP Level for the Player who killed anything and also the Victims XP Level if they are a victim) Unique Prestige Leveling System just like in COD every 100 XP earned the Player hits a Prestige Level and the rewards are doubled or tripled and so forth see screenshots Broadcasts to Console when the XP Rewards are issued as well as who is the current Top XP Holder and if they are online or offline Option to disable giving of Gifts to Highest XP Holder if offline (enabled by default) Option to disable Admin Players from receiving XP and Gifts (enabled by default) NOTE: Pretty much this is a plug and play drop in plugin that instantly works with absolutely NO NEED to change anything in the config file. It has been tried and tested for over 4 years running on all my servers. OF course you can still change the settings it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO LEAVE IT AS IS! Commands /xp - (public for all players) shows the current XP Level /xp list (public for all players) shows the current XP, Prestige Level and ZP Rewards List Console Commands xp.give - gives a player XP. Example: xp.give FastBurst 100 = FastBurst will receive 100 XP xp.reset - resets a players XP. Example: xp.reset FastBurst = FastBurst XP is not reset to 0 xp.resetall - manually resets the XP Data File Permissions permissions are only set if you set them as part of one of the rewards API Call private int GetXP(ulong player) { // returns the int value of the players XP Level } Configuration { "General Settings": { "Wipe data on new map": true, "Gametip announcement duration (seconds, 0 to disable)": 0.0, "Start level": 0, "Enable Scrap and Presents for Highest XP": true, "Minimum amount of Scrap to give for Highest XP if enabled": 25, "Maximum amount of Scrap to give for Highest XP if enabled": 125, "Enable giving of XP and Gifts to Admin players (default true)": true, "Enable giving of Scrap and Presents to Highest XP if offline (default true)": true }, "Time Settings": { "Experience for playtime": 1, "Time between give experience for playtime (seconds)": 1800, "Popup Announcement time before XP (seconds)": 1620 }, "Reward Item Settings": [ { "Level": 1, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "chicken.cooked", "Amount": 25, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Cooked Chicken", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 2, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "wood", "Amount": 2500, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Wood", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 3, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "xmas.present.medium", "Amount": 1, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Medium Present", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 4, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 1000, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Stones", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 5, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "xmas.present.large", "Amount": 1, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Large Present", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 6, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 250, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Metal Fragments", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 7, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "ammo.pistol", "Amount": 50, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Pistol Ammo", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 8, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "chainsaw", "Amount": 1, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Chainsaw", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 9, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "jackhammer", "Amount": 1, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Jackhammer", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 10, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 250, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "High Quality Metal", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 20, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 500, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Metal Fragments", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 30, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 500, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Scrap", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 40, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Amount": 150, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "High Quality Metal Ore", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 50, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Amount": 2000, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Metal Ore", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 60, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "ammo.rifle", "Amount": 250, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "5.56 Rifle Ammo", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 70, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Amount": 2000, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Sulfur Ore", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 80, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "supply.signal", "Amount": 1, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Supply Signal", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 90, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "gunpowder", "Amount": 1000, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "Gun Powder", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] }, { "Level": 100, "Items": [ { "Command": "", "Shortname": "lmg.m249", "Amount": 1, "Skin": 0, "Display name": "M249", "Blueprint": false, "Permission": "" } ] } ], "Levels Settings": [ { "Level": 1, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 2, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 3, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 4, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 5, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 6, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 7, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 8, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 9, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 10, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 11, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 12, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 13, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 14, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 15, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 16, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 17, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 18, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 19, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 20, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 21, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 22, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 23, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 24, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 25, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 26, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 27, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 28, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 29, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 30, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 31, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 32, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 33, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 34, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 35, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 36, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 37, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 38, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 39, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 40, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 41, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 42, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 43, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 44, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 45, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 46, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 47, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 48, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 49, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 50, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 51, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 52, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 53, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 54, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 55, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 56, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 57, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 58, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 59, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 60, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 61, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 62, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 63, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 64, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 65, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 66, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 67, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 68, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 69, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 70, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 71, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 72, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 73, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 74, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 75, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 76, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 77, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 78, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 79, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 80, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 81, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 82, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 83, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 84, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 85, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 86, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 87, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 88, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 89, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 90, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 91, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 92, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 93, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 94, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 95, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 96, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 97, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 98, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 99, "Experience to get level": 1.0 }, { "Level": 100, "Experience to get level": 1.0 } ], "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 6, "Patch": 2 } } Localization { "XP Added Chat": "<color=green>You earned {0} XP</color>", "XP Added Gametip": "<color=white>You earned {0} XP</color>", "New Level": "<color=green>You now have {0} XP, for the reward list type /xp list.</color>", "Level1": "<color=green>You have {0} XP, Prestige {1}.</color>", "Level2": "<color=green>You level up 1 XP every 30 minutes.</color>", "Level3": "<color=green>For the XP reward list type /xp list.</color>", "New Prestige": "<size=16><color=orange>CONGRATULATIONS!</color> {0} has just reach Prestige Level {1}!</size>", "Highest XP": "{0} has the most XP in this server, {1}. {2}", "HighXP Items": "Receives {0} in Scrap and 1 Large Present!", "XPInfo": "<color=green><size=13>XP is gained by playing on the server, it rewards you with items, type /xp for more information.</size></color>", "Reward Received": "<color=green>You have been rewarded with {1} for your XP.</color>" }


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