Version 0.0.3
Create Custom Items on the fly via command, handy for testing and Debug if needing to test items with certain Skins.
Also can be used for Giveaways, Personalize an item name for Players, and set it up with their favorite Skin.
Requires itemcreator.use Permission
Console Command
giveitem <playerid/name> <shortname> "ItemCustomName" <skinID> <quantity>
/Item itemShortName "custom name" skinID quantity
ex - /item rifle.ak "Wrecks AR" 3023912444 1
Sends the item to your inventory
/giveitem "playername" itemShortName "custom name" skinID quantity
ex - /giveitem "Wrecks" rifle.ak "Wrecks AR" 3023912444 1
Sends To specific Player
Using /item or /giveitem will send syntax Info.