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  1. Ryuk_


    Version 1.0.0


    The MinigameCore plugin is a modular and robust solution for creating and managing minigames in Rust. It provides a core framework for handling player data, arenas, and game modes like BedWars, GunGame, FFA and OITC (One in the Chamber). * - THIS PLUGIN IS REQUIRED FOR THE CORRECT FUNCTIONING OF THE MINIGAMES. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY MINIGAME PURCHASED, THE PURCHASE OF THIS PLUGIN IS NOT RECOMMENDED, SINCE IT IS A CORE. It can be used to create other minigames only if you are a developer. * - The main image shows the arenas and minigames in the menu. If there are no minigames or no arenas, the menu will be empty. * - THIS PLUGIN IS JUST A CONNECTION AND HUB BETWEEN DIFFERENT MINIGAMES. READ EVERYTHING BEFORE PURCHASING. - * [RENEWAL TERM] The renewal term is only effective when the upgrade has been too much work; otherwise, each upgrade will be given for free (you will get access to the plugin again if your month has passed).So, if you want to download the update and you have to pay for the renewal, please ask for DM first! (It can become free!) Minigames: GUNGAME ONE IN THE CHAMBER BEDWARS | NOT UPDATED YET. FFA [Free4All] | Waiting for Approval. RAID SIMULATOR | TBA. TDM [Team Deathmatch] | TBA. MATCHMAKING | TBA. (Team/rounds/economy based.) Features: Database Management: Automatically creates and manages SQLite databases for players and arenas. Minigame Integration: Supports popular minigames like GunGame, FFA, BedWars, and OITC with customizable arenas. Player Tracking: Tracks players' participation in arenas and updates their status in real-time. Configurable Lobby: Admins can set a main lobby position for players. CUI Interface: Includes a custom graphical user interface (GUI) to display minigames and their arenas. Commands: Provides several chat and console commands for admins and players to manage and interact with minigames. Admin Commands: /mg_setlobby: Sets the main lobby position to the admin's current location. Player Commands: /leave: Allows players to leave their current arena and return to the main lobby. Console Commands: show_arenas: Display a list of available arenas for a specific minigame. join_arena <minigame> <arenaID>: Joins a speccific arena by its ID. Configuration: MainLobbyPosition: Configurable lobby position stored in the configuration file. (/configs/Minigameore.json) Kits: Configurable lobby kits system. (ITEM SHORTNAME / SKIN ID / SLOT TYPE) Hooks: Get_Arena_Name: Retrieves the name of an arena by its ID. Create_Bedwars_Arena: Creates a new BedWars arena. Create_GunGame_Arena: Creates a new GunGame arena. Create_OITC_Arena: reates a new One in the Chamber arena. Update_Player_Data: Updates player data when joining/leaving arenas. Force_Tp: Teleports the player to the configured lobby position. GetArenas: Retrieves a list of arenas for a specific minigame type from the database. Get_Player_Arena_ID: Fetches the current arena ID associated with a player. update_arena: Updates arena data with specified changes and reflects the updates in the UI. Notes: This plugin requires SQLite for database functionality. The "MainLobbyPosition" defaults to (0,0,0) and should be set before use. Ensure that all players are registered in the PlayerData database on first connect. What is a renewal? - From the day you bought the plugin, you have 1 month to download any updates that may be available. After that month, you will have to renew the plugin in order to keep updating it (12.99 U$D / Month). - Renewal helps me to keep updating this plugin and the other minigames without any problem. - Only "MinigameCore" will have renewal terms. TODO - UPDATE 1.0.1 (ALL NEXT UPDATE: Invisible players / Hearing shots only in the same arena / Players can be in the same position, different arena and will not see each other)
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This is a Rust server plugin designed for creating and managing a "One in the Chamber" minigame, the plugin includes features like arena setup, player management, matchmaking. This plugin requires the MinigameCore plugin for its operation, emphasizing its use in community servers that host competitive and recreational minigames. GAMEPLAY Players lose a life when killed and can spectate after losing all lives. Game ends when one player remains or the time limit is reached. Spectators can switch views between players. FEATURES Arena Management: Create, manage, and refresh arenas. Player Management: Handle player stats, respawning, and spectating. Matchmaking: Supports joining arenas mid-game, player limits, and automated game starts. UI Components: Dynamic UI elements to show game stats, results, and lobby information. Admin Commands: Commands for admins to manage arenas and game settings. Configurable Settings: Time limits, max lives, and game mechanics like melee return timings can be configured. CONFIGURABLE SETTINGS TimeLimit: Duration of the game in seconds. MaxLives: Number of lives each player has. ReturnMelee: Time in seconds before a thrown melee weapon returns. RestartOnEndGame: Whether the arena restarts automatically after a game ends. ADMIN COMMANDS /add_oitc_arena <name> <radius>: Starts the creation of a new arena. /add_oitc_spawnpoint: Adds a spawn point at the admin's location. /add_oitc_lobby: Sets the lobby location for the arena. /add_oitc_max_players <number>: Sets the maximum number of players for the arena. /add_oitc_create <name>: Finalizes the creation of the arena. - * Arena Cache: Temporary storage for arena settings during creation before they are committed to the permanent configuration. * - FILES PATH OITC Config: /carbon/data/Minigames/OneInTheChamber/Config.json OITC DB: /carbon/data/Minigames/OITC.db SPECTATING IN OITC MATCH The spectating feature in the OITC plugin allows players who have lost all their lives to observe the ongoing match from the perspective of other players. This functionality enhances the gameplay experience by keeping eliminated players engaged until the match concludes. Key Features of Spectating: - Automatic Entry into Spectator Mode: When a player's lives reach zero, they are automatically placed in spectator mode. The plugin sends a message to the player informing them of their elimination and explaining the spectating mechanics. Player Switching: - Spectators can switch between players using the Reload (R) key. This allows spectators to dynamically view different players still active in the match. Player Management: - The plugin tracks which player each spectator is currently observing using a spectators dictionary. When switching, the next alive player in the arena's player list is selected as the new spectating target. Exiting Spectator Mode: - Spectators can leave the game entirely using the /leave command. Once the match ends, all spectators are automatically removed from spectating mode and returned to the lobby. F


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