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Found 1 result

  1. myst1c


    Version 3.4.6


    MyStatistics - Player statistics and the top of the best players in terms of the number of points scored all the time. User-friendly and concise interface. The command to open the menu ( can be changed in the plugin config ) - /stats Opportunities: The ability to clear player statistics after wipe The ability to view the list of top players in the menu There are points that can be configured in the configuration There are regular messages with different top players Search for a player by nickname in the menu The ability to replace points with a balance from the Economics plugin A pleasant and convenient menu The plugin will be in Russian or English, depending on the player's settings The ability not to include certain steam IDs in the top players In the plans: Increase player stats Make it possible to view statistics of other players Add rewards for top 1-3 Plugin Configuration: { "Основные настройки | Basic Settings": { "Чат команда для открытия статистики | Chat command to open statistics": "stats", "Очищать данные при вайпе? | Clear data on wipe?": true, "Раз во сколько минут будут сохранятся данные? | How often will the data be saved (in minutes)?": 30, "Включить сообщение с рандомным топом игроков? | Should I include a message with a random top of the players?": true, "Раз во сколько секунд будет отправляться рандомное сообщение с топом игроков? | How often will a random message with the top players be sent (in seconds)?": 600, "Заменить очки на баланс плагина Economics? | Replace points with the balance from the Economics plugin?": false, "SteamID игроков, которые не будут включены в топ игроков | SteamID of players who will not be included in the top players": [ 76561199561802375 ] }, "Настройки очков | Point Settings": { "Кол-во очков за убийство игрока | Number of points for killing a player": 5.0, "Кол-во очков за убийство NPC | Number of points for killing an NPC": 1.5, "Кол-во очков за убийство животных | Number of points for killing animals": 1.0, "Кол-во очков снимать за смерть | Number of points deducted for death": -1.0, "Кол-во очков снимать за суицид | Number of points deducted for suicide": -0.5, "Кол-во очков за разбитие бочки | Number of points for breaking a barrel": 1.0, "Кол-во очков за найденный скрап | Number of points for found scrap": 0.2, "Кол-во очков за сбор урожая | Number of points for harvesting crops": 0.2, "Кол-во очков за взрыв танка | Number of points for destroying a tank": 20.0, "Кол-во очков за добычу ресурсов | Number of points for gathering resources": { "wood": 0.2, "stone": 0.5, "metalOre": 1.0, "sulfurOre": 1.5, "hqmetal": 2.0 } } } You can find pictures of the plugin - here


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