Version 1.0.0
The plugin adds messages in the main chat when a Chinook, CargoShip, CargoPlane, Attack Helicopter, Tank event occurs.
Configuration file
"NotifyAttackHelicopter": true,
"NotifyCargoPlane": true,
"NotifyCargoShip": true,
"NotifyChinook": true,
"NotifyTank": true,
"ShowDirection": true
Allows you to enable or disable the notification of an event and also allows you to enable or disable the notification of directions.
"CargoPlaneNotification": "<color=#00DDFF>Cargo Plane has spawned{0}!</color>",
"TankNotification": "<color=#A60000>Tank has spawned!</color>",
"CargoShipNotification": "<color=#0008FF>Cargo Ship has spawned{0}!</color>",
"ChinookNotification": "<color=#FFA200>Chinook has spawned{0}!</color>",
"AttackHelicopterNotification": "<color=#FF0000>Attack Helicopter has spawned{0}!</color>"
Ability to change the color of the message