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Version 2.2.71
Add commands to items. Press Unwrap to run the command. And Healing Items And Throw Items (smoke, f1, etc...) Effect List: Effects | Commands: /cicd - Cooldown Hud /ci - basic command Config: { "General Settings": { "Prefix": "<color=#5892bf>[Commands-Item]</color>\n", "SteamID": 0, "Commands": "ci", "Use Active Commands": true, "Use Throw Commands": false, "Use Healing Commands": false, "Use Message on used count": false, "Use Map Wipe Data Clear": false, "Debug": false }, "Item Settings (custom name)": { "Supply Space Fanny Drop": { "Item short name": "grenade.smoke", "Item skin": 2867732572, "Commands": [ "ad.dropspace $" ], "Message on use (leave blank for no message)": "Warning Space Drop !!", "Global Cooldown [true | false]": false, "Shared Cooldown": null, "Cooldown (0 for disable - ※second※)": 0, "MaxUsed (0 for unlimited)": 0, "Sound Effect (blink notting)": "", "Effect (blink notting)": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/smoke_signal_full.prefab", "Flags": [ "" ] }, "Teleport Granade": { "Item short name": "grenade.smoke", "Item skin": 2814909703, "Commands": [ "teleport.topos $ $entity.x $entity.y $entity.z" ], "Message on use (leave blank for no message)": "Teleporting", "Global Cooldown [true | false]": false, "Shared Cooldown": "testshared", "Cooldown (0 for disable - ※second※)": 0, "MaxUsed (0 for unlimited)": 0, "Sound Effect (blink notting)": "", "Effect (blink notting)": "", "Flags": [ "" ] }, "Unwarp Space Drop": { "Item short name": "xmas.present.medium", "Item skin": 2814909703, "Commands": [ "ad.dropspace $" ], "Message on use (leave blank for no message)": "Warning Space Drop !!", "Global Cooldown [true | false]": false, "Shared Cooldown": "testshared", "Cooldown (0 for disable - ※second※)": 0, "MaxUsed (0 for unlimited)": 0, "Sound Effect (blink notting)": "", "Effect (blink notting)": "", "Flags": [ "" ] } }, "items Shared Cooldowns": { "Shard Name | Time (sec)": { "testshared": 5 } }, "Version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 2, "Patch": 7 } } Permission: CommandsItem.allow - access command Lang: { "NotExist": "<color=#d0d0d0>Item (<color=orange>{0}</color>) could not be found. Please use a valid SkinID!</color>\n<color=#5892bf>Usage: /{1} <skinid></color>", "UsageCI": "<color=red>Usage Sta: /{0} <Name> [Amount]</color>", "InvFull": "<color=#d0d0d0>Inventory is full. Clear some space and try again!</color>", "Received": "<color=yellow>[{0}] Was added to your inventory.</color>", "NoPerm": "<color=#d0d0d0>You dont have permission!</color>", "HasCooldown": "<color=yellow>{0}</color> <color=red>can be used after {1}</color>" } Flags: IsBuildingBlock - Unusable while player is build block IsSwimming - Unusable while player is swimming InSafeZone - Unusable while player is in safe zone IsBleeding - Unusable while player is bleeding IsPlayerInZone - Unusable while player is special zone ※Require Zone Manager※ IsPlayerInGrid - Unusable while player is special grid HasTCAuth - Usable while player is Has Tool Cupboard Auth Format: pconsole - player input console ex) pconsole chat.say /shop timer_x - Execute the command after x seconds. ex) timer_15 say commandsitem! $ - player steam id $ - player name $player.x - player x location $player.y - player y location $player.z - player z location $entity.x - entity x location (※Only Throw Items※) $entity.y - entity z location (※Only Throw Items※) $entity.z - entity y location (※Only Throw Items※) @Azmo idea Thanks image, text fleids$15.00- 57 comments
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