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Everything posted by RustMaker

  1. Okay. Just lemme know!
  2. I know! I'm sorry!! lol! I honestly don't mind paying, but these are such small things I didn't know if that was possible. I have a fantastic server in mind and I just need these little things to make it all work.
  3. I need a plugin that opens/closes all doors using a server command (not chat). Something like "closealldoors" and "openalldoors".
  4. Right?! There are a few on uMod, but they don't cover everything and have lost their maintainers. Would be nice. I'd pay for it to make it free on here.
  5. Can someone "whip up" a decent, working BR plugin with a randomly placed, visible shrinking zone that displays in-game AND on the map and then resets itself after all but 1 player is left alive while all of the dead players can fly around and observe, then once one player is left alive, a message is shown who won, then everything resets? Just real quick.
  6. They? Who is this "they" you speak of, kind sir?
  7. That did it. Simply amazing. Now, if only there was a plugin to kill all underwater AI..........................................
  8. Yes, please. Thank you!
  9. I def need to be able to use it as a server command.
  10. Can I use killemall in the server console as a command? Don't really want it to be a chat command.
  11. Need a plugin that will kill all players on the map at once using a simple server command.
  12. I have a "rising waters" PvP/PvE server with bots and would like to level the playing field with a plugin by forcing the AI to drown when underwater too long just like the rest of us.
  13. RustMaker

    Bots wont spawn

    Your radius for the monuments is set at 1000, which is insanely large. You can check to see if there are any bots spawning somewhere on your map that you can't see by going to the console and entering "bot.count" without quotes. If you, in fact, do have bots spawning but you can't see them, try lowering your radius to something that fits those monuments. Roadside monuments, like Supermarket or Gas Station should be about 20-40, while larger ones like Water Treatment and Power Plant should be more like 60-70. You currently have a radius of 1000 for the Abandoned Cabins, which the monument itself is only about 100 in size. Adjust your spawning radius accordingly and see if that helps.
  14. RustMaker

    Needs HTML Color

    Color options need to be in html color code format (ex: #08FF00) instead of RGB so that they're more easily changeable.
  15. RustMaker

    TP's Too High

    Teleports players extremely high in the air with every use, causing fall-death. The line: var pos = note.worldPosition + new Vector3(0, 120, 0) brings the player 120 above sea level, which means the plugin doesn't take into account different heights of the terrain. Plugin is unusable until this is resolved.
  16. RustMaker

    BUG: Water Bots

    Bots are walking into the ocean and are able to shoot players.
  17. Done. Hope I was your first customer!
  18. Absolutely! Next time I have an idea (I have a lot), I'm coming to you. Excellent work.
  19. Perfect! Damn, you're good.
  20. Looks great! Can't wait!!!
  21. Oh yeah! Not used to this platform yet, but getting there.
  22. Sounds good. Do you have a link to pay?
  23. Awesome! You're really good at this and give such attention to detail. Bravo. That looks great and should do nicely.
  24. Hey! Sorry for the late reply. I'm in the U.S., so our sleep schedules are different. The concept looks great! Are we able to charge Scrap for it when they drive into it? Possibly a notification that says "You don't have enough Scrap for repairs" if they require more? Is there an option that forces them to type a command in chat to make the repairs instead of them possibly running into the zone accidentally and repairing their car if they didn't mean to? Is it possible to have the option to either show or hide the visual of the dome? As for the economics integration; I've no need for that, but if you would like to throw it in as an option, I think that would be good for others who need it. I'm more than happy for the plugin to be public, as I'm all for the good of the many. -Matt
  25. That sounds amazing! If you'd like to put in the option to set hours of operation, that's up to you. Just curious; when creating the zone, would the admin be able to see the zone so they know how far it stretches? Also, if you could give me an idea of the cost, that would be great. Looking forward to seeing the progress! -Matt


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