Version 1.0.1
This is a community center build specifically for our lord and savior, Death - owner and maintainer of the Rust-EZ servers. This was not meant for any other servers, hence the custom labeling here and there. If you wish to download and modify this monument in any way, go ahead, but plz credit me as the OG creator iz all i ask
If you want to swap the custom text names in the monument, again that's totally fine if you want to make it for your own server(s).
To Death personally: If you encounter any issues at all / suggestions, DM me on discord for the fastest response.
To other users: If you encounter any issues at all, you're out of luck pal. You've been warned above.
I ran the "Remove Duplicate Prefabs" check at the very end, so it should be "optimized".
If you're having trouble with the Alpha channel lining up with the manhole/sewer entrances, apply the Alpha channel first, THEN move the entire monument into position to align the manhole entrances. Everything else (height mask, splat, etc) should work out of the box.