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Everything posted by bsdinis

  1. bsdinis

    Error in console

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  2. bsdinis

    Error in console

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  3. bsdinis

    Error in console

    Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  4. bsdinis

    Error in console

    Sorry for taking so long to reply, the NRE is being thrown when fetching entities that do not contain a RigidBody, it will be fixed in the next version.
  5. bsdinis

    Not Working

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  6. bsdinis

    Not Working

    Changed Fixed In to 0.1.0
  7. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 0.0.9
  8. bsdinis

    Cooldown for fetch

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 0.0.9
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 0.0.9
  10. bsdinis

    Not Working

    Sorry for the late reply, there was mistake in how the vehicles are saved in the data file, please update to 0.1.0 and let me know if the plugin loads with your current data file.
  11. you must be looking at train tracks when attempting to spawn or fetch any rail vehicle
  12. bsdinis

    Fuel drops out

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  13. bsdinis

    Fuel drops out

    you must set "RefundFuelOnDespawn" to false
  14. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  15. bsdinis

    Mod enquiry

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  16. Changed Status from Pending to Gremlins
  17. bsdinis


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  18. The balloons will only stay on when there are players inside of it.
  19. bsdinis


    Changed Fixed In to 0.0.7
  20. bsdinis

    Timed Commands

    Yes, any oxide command can be executed now, instead of only loading and unloading plugins. Don't forget to delete the previous plugin before updating, as the file name has changed.
  21. Version 0.0.8


    Execute console commands daily or weekly at specific times of day, or at specific dates, with optional multiple Discord messages support and configurable server clock offset. Config: { "Offset": "00:00:00:00.0000000", "InitCommands": [ "oxide.unload PluginA", "oxide.unload PluginB" ], "Timers": [ { "Time": "17:00:00", "DayOfWeek": 0, "Commands": [ "oxide.unload PluginC", "oxide.unload PluginD" ], "DiscordMessages": null }, { "Time": "6PM", "DayOfWeek": 6, "Commands": [ "oxide.unload PluginC", "oxide.unload PluginD" ], "DiscordMessages": null }, { "Time": "09/29/2022 19:00:00", "DayOfWeek": null, "Commands": [ "oxide.unload PluginC", "oxide.unload PluginD" ], "DiscordMessages": null }, { "Time": "09/30/2022 8PM", "DayOfWeek": null, "Commands": [ "oxide.load PluginC", "oxide.load PluginD" ], "DiscordMessages": [ { "webhook": "", "username": "My Untitled Rust Server", "avatar_url": "", "content": "```{0}```" } ] } ] } Offset - Amount of time to offset server time from real time, represented by a TimeSpan format string. If your server's clock is 1 day 10 hours 2 minutes 33 seconds and 444.5555 miliseconds ahead use "-01:10:02:33.4445555" If your server's clock is 1 day 10 hours 2 minutes 33 seconds and 444.5555 miliseconds behind use "01:10:02:33.4445555" InitCommands - List of commands to execute when the server starts up or when the plugin is loaded. Timers Time - A time represented by a TImeSpan format string, or a date represented by a DateTime format string. DayOfWeek - A day of the week represented by a DayOfWeek Enum value ranging from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). If a value is used the timer will run weekly, else the timer will run daily. Only used by TimeSpan format timers. Commands - List of commands to execute when the timer fires. DiscordMessages - List of Discord messages to send when the timer fires, each with its own webhook. Requires DiscordMessageAPI
  22. bsdinis

    Instant Startup

    the else if on line 24 is unnecessary, as both minicopters and scrap helicopters are MiniCopter type objects.
  23. Version 0.0.9


    For developers only. SendDiscordMessage(string webhook, string username, string avatarUrl, string content, bool tts, List<List<object>> embeds) Examples: [PluginReference] Plugin DiscordMessageAPI; if (DiscordMessageAPI == null) { return; } DiscordMessageAPI.Call( "SendDiscordMessage", // DiscordMessageAPI hook "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/000000000000000000/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // Webhook (string) "Username", // Username (string) "", // Avatar URL (string) "Message text content.", // Message content (string) true // Text-to-speech (bool) ); List<List<object>> embeds = new List<List<object>> // Embeds (List<List<object>>) { new List<object> // Embed0 (List<object>) { "Embed0 author name", // Author name (string) "https://facepunch.com/", // Author URL (string) "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Facepunchtransparent.png/440px-Facepunchtransparent.png", // Author icon URL (string) "Embed0 title", // Title (string) "https://rust.facepunch.com/", // URL (string) "Embed0 description", // Description (string) 15548997, // Color (int) new List<List<object>> // Fields (List<List<object>>) { new List<object> // Field0 (List<object>) { "Field0-Embed0 Name", // Name (string) "Field0-Embed0 Value", // Value (string) false // Inline (bool) }, new List<object> // Field1 (List<object>) { "Field1-Embed0 Name", // Name (string) "Field1-Embed0 Value", // Value (string) false // Inline (bool) }, new List<object> // Field2 (List<object>) { "Field2-Embed0 Name", // Name (string) "Field2-Embed0 Value", // Value (string) false // Inline (bool) } }, "https://i.imgur.com/Clv8xfd.png", // Thumbnail URL (string) "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Facepunchtransparent.png/440px-Facepunchtransparent.png", // Image URL (string) "Embed0 footer text", // Footer text (string) "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9f/Rust_logo.png" // Footer icon URL (string) }, new List<object> // Embed0 (List<object>) { "Embed1 author name", // Author name (string) "https://rust.facepunch.com/", // Author URL (string) "https://i.imgur.com/Clv8xfd.png", // Author icon URL (string) "Embed1 title", // Title (string) "https://facepunch.com/", // URL (string) "Embed1 description", // Description (string) 5793266, // Color (int) new List<List<object>> // Fields (List<List<object>>) { new List<object> // Field0 (List<object>) { "Field0-Embed1 Name", // Name (string) "Field0-Embed1 Value", // Value (string) false // Inline (bool) }, new List<object> // Field1 (List<object>) { "Field1-Embed1 Name", // Name (string) "Field1-Embed1 Value", // Value (string) false // Inline (bool) }, new List<object> // Field2 (List<object>) { "Field2-Embed1 Name", // Name (string) "Field2-Embed1 Value", // Value (string) false // Inline (bool) } }, "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Facepunchtransparent.png/440px-Facepunchtransparent.png", // Thumbnail URL (string) "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9f/Rust_logo.png", // Image URL (string) "Embed1 footer text", // Footer text (string) "https://i.imgur.com/2uEAWXZ.png" // Footer icon URL (string) } }; DiscordMessageAPI.Call( "SendDiscordMessage", // DiscordMessageAPI hook "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/000000000000000000/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // Webhook (string) "Username", // Username (string) "https://i.imgur.com/y28bSZi.png", // Avatar URL (string) "Message text content.", // Content (string) false, // Text-to-speech (bool) embeds // Embeds (List<List<object>>) );
  24. bsdinis

    Failed to call hook

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 0.2.9
  25. bsdinis

    issue with wind turbine

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug


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