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Discord Message API 0.0.9

   (1 review)

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About Discord Message API


For developers only.

SendDiscordMessage(string webhook, string username, string avatarUrl, string content, bool tts, List<List<object>> embeds)




[PluginReference] Plugin DiscordMessageAPI;

if (DiscordMessageAPI == null)

    "SendDiscordMessage",                                                                                                       // DiscordMessageAPI hook
    "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/000000000000000000/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // Webhook (string)
    "Username",                                                                                                                 // Username (string)
    "",                                                                                                                         // Avatar URL (string)
    "Message text content.",                                                                                                    // Message content (string)
    true                                                                                                                        // Text-to-speech (bool)


List<List<object>> embeds = new List<List<object>>                                                                          // Embeds (List<List<object>>)
    new List<object>                                                                                                            // Embed0 (List<object>)
        "Embed0 author name",                                                                                                       // Author name (string)
        "https://facepunch.com/",                                                                                                   // Author URL (string)
        "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Facepunchtransparent.png/440px-Facepunchtransparent.png",        // Author icon URL (string)
        "Embed0 title",                                                                                                             // Title (string)
        "https://rust.facepunch.com/",                                                                                              // URL (string)
        "Embed0 description",                                                                                                       // Description (string)
        15548997,                                                                                                                   // Color (int)
        new List<List<object>>                                                                                                      // Fields (List<List<object>>)
            new List<object>                                                                                                            // Field0 (List<object>)
                "Field0-Embed0 Name",                                                                                                       // Name (string)
                "Field0-Embed0 Value",                                                                                                      // Value (string)
                false                                                                                                                       // Inline (bool)
            new List<object>                                                                                                            // Field1 (List<object>)
                "Field1-Embed0 Name",                                                                                                       // Name (string)
                "Field1-Embed0 Value",                                                                                                      // Value (string)
                false                                                                                                                       // Inline (bool)
            new List<object>                                                                                                            // Field2 (List<object>)
                "Field2-Embed0 Name",                                                                                                       // Name (string)
                "Field2-Embed0 Value",                                                                                                      // Value (string)
                false                                                                                                                       // Inline (bool)
        "https://i.imgur.com/Clv8xfd.png",                                                                                          // Thumbnail URL (string)
        "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Facepunchtransparent.png/440px-Facepunchtransparent.png",        // Image URL (string)
        "Embed0 footer text",                                                                                                       // Footer text (string)
        "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9f/Rust_logo.png"                                                         // Footer icon URL (string)
    new List<object>                                                                                                            // Embed0 (List<object>)
        "Embed1 author name",                                                                                                       // Author name (string)
        "https://rust.facepunch.com/",                                                                                              // Author URL (string)
        "https://i.imgur.com/Clv8xfd.png",                                                                                          // Author icon URL (string)
        "Embed1 title",                                                                                                             // Title (string)
        "https://facepunch.com/",                                                                                                   // URL (string)
        "Embed1 description",                                                                                                       // Description (string)
        5793266,                                                                                                                    // Color (int)
        new List<List<object>>                                                                                                      // Fields (List<List<object>>)
            new List<object>                                                                                                            // Field0 (List<object>)
                "Field0-Embed1 Name",                                                                                                       // Name (string)
                "Field0-Embed1 Value",                                                                                                      // Value (string)
                false                                                                                                                       // Inline (bool)
            new List<object>                                                                                                            // Field1 (List<object>)
                "Field1-Embed1 Name",                                                                                                       // Name (string)
                "Field1-Embed1 Value",                                                                                                      // Value (string)
                false                                                                                                                       // Inline (bool)
            new List<object>                                                                                                            // Field2 (List<object>)
                "Field2-Embed1 Name",                                                                                                       // Name (string)
                "Field2-Embed1 Value",                                                                                                      // Value (string)
                false                                                                                                                       // Inline (bool)
        "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Facepunchtransparent.png/440px-Facepunchtransparent.png",        // Thumbnail URL (string)
        "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9f/Rust_logo.png",                                                        // Image URL (string)
        "Embed1 footer text",                                                                                                       // Footer text (string)
        "https://i.imgur.com/2uEAWXZ.png"                                                                                           // Footer icon URL (string)

    "SendDiscordMessage",                                                                                                       // DiscordMessageAPI hook
    "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/000000000000000000/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // Webhook (string)
    "Username",                                                                                                                 // Username (string)
    "https://i.imgur.com/y28bSZi.png",                                                                                          // Avatar URL (string)
    "Message text content.",                                                                                                    // Content (string)
    false,                                                                                                                      // Text-to-speech (bool)
    embeds                                                                                                                      // Embeds (List<List<object>>)

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