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Everything posted by Muktuk

  1. Muktuk

    Lag When Trying to Spawn Base

    I couldn't tell from the information in console, the "you've successfully pasted the structure" hadn't shown for a while. I phrased it as "trying to spawn" because there were less than the specified amount of bases on the map and it'd been much longer than the usual time it takes to spawn a new one. Regarding specs, I'd agree but I didn't have this issue with larger maps with more bases and reduced my plugin count around the same time when I moved to the smaller maps (I was on a performance improving kick). CopyPaste is on default settings and the two fields you mention are set as described. I've been running Raidable Bases for a long while, so the machine has proven it can handle it. The junk I was finding in the spawns was weird, player stuff (TCs and boxes) just floating in the air. I set these to false and I'm not getting that any more. "Do Not Destroy Player Built Deployables": false, "Do Not Destroy Player Built Structures": false, Thanks for the info, I'm going back to larger maps next wipe. A few plugins have been behaving weird since I moved to 3.5k.
  2. Muktuk

    Lag When Trying to Spawn Base

    Been having some issues with this plugin the last couple of wipes upon trying a smaller map size. Nothing crazy, 3500 instead of 4500 and I am getting major lag when Raidable Bases tries to spawn bases when there's a few on the map and we're a bit into the wipe. I use maintained events and have been slowly reducing the number I have active to minimise this, so at the moment I've 10 instead of 16 or so but as the spawns clutter up with player raid bases even this reduced number is causing issues. The plugin fails to spawn the specified number of Raidables and server FPS drops. I unload the plugin, the lag stops, I run around the usual places they spawn and delete player raid bases, switch the plugin on and everything's fine. So two things: do you have a rough rule of thumb of numbers of base for map size? And is there something I can set in the config to nuke nearby player structures when the Raidable despawns?
  3. I'm looking for two plugins, one simple and another a bit more complex. A plugin that'll track player play time over the course of a wipe and run a command at specified intervals. e.g. after three hours I'm going to give them permission X, three hours after that I want to give them permission Y A GUI shop in the style of ServerRewards or Mevent's snazzy looking one that'll allow me to use both RP and Economics Coins and direct barter ideally. e.g item A sells for 10 RP, item B sells for 1 Coin, command C sells for 10 AK-47s. I realise the latter is a larger project so would be willing to offer some coin towards development cost, or if someone wanted to add the functionality to an existing shop I'd jump to buy it.
  4. Muktuk

    Loot containers are unlootable

    Cool, thanks for looking into it and getting it sorted over Christmas. This is working perfectly now.
  5. Muktuk

    Loot containers are unlootable

    Yes, first thing I tried.
  6. Muktuk

    Loot containers are unlootable

    Hi, I'm having the same behaviour. Using the config you provided I'm getting constant NRE spam and containers closing immediately upon opening.
  7. That's great, thanks for looking into it. I've also dropped bazz3l a line asking if they can provide an option to disable hit point changing in their plugin.
  8. No good I'm afraid, that gives me Bradleys with 0 hp.
  9. Great plugin but I cannot get this to cooperate with Bazz3l's BradleyGuards. I've got your BradleyOptions installed too and "Using BradleyGuards/ParaTroopers (Umod)" is set to true. If the server loads the plugins in the default order (guards then options then tiers), BradleyGuards overrides your plugins for HP and number of crates. If I unload Guards and then spawn a Bradley it uses the tiers exactly as intended. Any ideas on what's going on?


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