@hid333 Hi, I used your configuration on my test server, I just downloaded the archive from the site, and your configuration file to the server and I can't get this error that you sent about the OnEntityTakeDamage hook (I attach a screenshot of the console, which shows that the plugin was loaded, and also shows that I'm killing the boss, and next, I make it so that the boss kills me, also in the console you can see the version of the plugin, server and oxide). I need information on how I can get this error
Regarding the loot inside the boss, I attach a video of how I killed the boss and looked at the loot inside it, also as far as I understand the loot inside the NPC is configured by you and gives out how you configured 4 items out of 4 that you specified in the boss loot, in the configuration that you sent. If your loot differs from what you specified in the plugin configuration, then most likely you have some plugin installed that changes the loot in the assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humanpc/scientist/scientistnpc_heavy.prefab