Hi, everybody. Every time a code lock appears on the server, some plugin reads it and has to delete and create another one, but since the event happens several times a day, then you have several such codelocks on this door that are not deleted after the event, although they should not appear on the monument door.. I want to say about the fact that which plugin on your server duplicates the codelocks spawn, which are then not deleted so you get this result. It is necessary to find such a plugin and contact the developer of this plugin, because I see no reason to spawn codelocks on the doors of the monument, if necessary, I can make some API or something like that for the developer of this plugin. If the developer of this plugin needs my help, then I can help him, he only needs to contact me.
It's easy to check which plugin creates it, you need to clear the door from all the current codelocks on this door, only don't delete the door when you do ent kill, then start the event and stop it. If codelock remains on this door, then the plugin responsible for this is still running on the server. If codelock is not on the door, then you unload the plugin that is to blame for this