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Everything posted by mainloot

  1. I think its position needs to be adjusted, currently players can't play it
  2. mainloot


    This has been my experience as well, good to hear I'm not crazy
  3. mainloot


    @Khan were you able to confirm whether this plugin is expected to work on Carbon? Just judging from the word on the street in their discord, it seems there were recent updates that improved parity between oxide and carbon, might be worth giving a second look? It works as expected to me
  4. yep, I did just that. I moved my original config elsewhere, let it regenerate the default one, then just added a different title. What I posted it pretty default config: { "svar: Disable Terrain Violation Kick": true, "svar: Disable Structure Decay": true, "svar: Always Day": true, "svar: Creative - All Users": true, "svar: Creative - FreePlacement": false, "svar: Creative - FreeBuild": true, "svar: Creative - FreeRepair": true, "Menu Title": "MAINLOOT • BUILD", "Menu Autodoors (true = on | false = off)": false, "Menu Autowindows (true = on | false = off)": false, "Menu Autoelectricity (true = on | false = off)": false, "Menu Buildingrade (true = on | false = off)": false, "Info Menu": false, "Weather Panel": false, "BuildCost Panel": true, "Lobby Area Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Plot Radius DEFAULT (default: 50f)": 50.0, "Plot Radius VIP(default: 100f)": 100.0, "Saved Bases Slots DEFAULT (default: 8)": 8, "Saved Bases Slots VIP (default: 30)": 30, "Plot Clear/Despawn": true, "Plot Despawn Time (default: 300f)": 300.0, "Plot MapMarker": true, "Plot Building Upgrade Effect": true, "Plot Sphere Prefab": "assets/prefabs/visualization/sphere.prefab", "player: Clear Inventory on Disconnect": false, "player: Vehicle Manager Spawn Limit (def: 5)": 5, "Fly Keybind": "lighttoggle", "Keybind: Building Upgrade": "FIRE_PRIMARY", "Keybind: Building Downgrade": "FIRE_SECONDARY", "Keybind: Display/Close Menu": "FIRE_THIRD", "Keybind: Removal Tool (require hammer in hand)": "RELOAD", "Keybind: Change Building Grade": "USE", "Claim Plot Command List": [ "claim", "c" ], "Unclaim Plot Command List": [ "unclaim", "u" ], "Fly Command List": [ "noclip", "fly", "f" ], "God Command List": [ "god", "g" ], "Building Grade Command List": [ "bgrade", "b" ], "Open Main Menu Command List": [ "menu", "m" ], "Open Weather Menu Command List": [ "weather", "time" ], "Save Base Command List": [ "save", "guardar" ], "Load Base Command List": [ "load", "cargar" ], "Info Panel Command List": [ "help", "info" ], "IMGUR CLIENT ID": "XXX", "Paste.ee Auth Token (Required for multiple servers)": "PASTE.EE TOKEN HERE", "ImgBB Api Key (Needed for Base image saving system if imgur does not work.)": "IMGBB API KEY", "Loading base (building block) delay time (default: 100 milliseconds)": 100, "Loading base (deployables) delay time (default: 200 milliseconds)": 200, "Log Errors (false by default)": false, "Info Panel - Left Top Panel Text": "<b><size=30><color=white>COMMAND LIST </color> </size> </b> \n <b><color=yellow>/claim - /c</color></b> <color=white>Claim a plot</color> \n <b><color=yellow>/unclaim - /u</color></b> <color=white>Unclaim current plot</color> \n <b><color=yellow>/noclip - /fly - /f</color></b> <color=white>Enable/Disable Noclip (FLY)</color> \n <b><color=yellow>/god - /g</color></b> <color=white>Enable/Disable GodMode</color> \n <b><color=yellow>/bgrade 0 to 4 - /b 0 to 4</color></b> <color=white>Change the current building grade</color> \n <b><color=yellow>/menu - /m</color></b> <color=white>Open Main Menu</color> \n <b><color=yellow>/weather - /time</color></b> <color=white>Allow the user to change the local weather</color> \n <b><color=yellow>/save base_name - /guardar base_name</color></b> <color=white>Save the current building in the claimed plot.</color> \n <b><color=yellow>/load base_name - /cargar base_name</color></b> <color=white>Load a saved base in the claimed plot.</color> \n <b><color=yellow>/help - /info</color></b> <color=white>Open the info menu</color> \n <b><color=yellow>/invite player_name</color></b> <color=white>Invite a player to your team</color>\n <b><color=yellow>/cost</color></b> <color=white>Enable/Disable COST UI</color>", "Info Panel - Left Down Panel Text": "<b><size=30><color=white>KEYBIND LIST </color> </size> </b> \n <b><color=yellow>Middle Mouse Button</color></b> <color=white>Open/Close Main Menu</color> \n <b><color=yellow>F Key</color></b> <color=white>Enable/Disable Noclip</color> \n <b><color=yellow>R Key + Hammer in Hand</color></b> <color=white>Removal Tool</color> \n <b><color=yellow>SHIFT + Hammmer in Hande + Left Mouse Button</color></b> <color=white>Upgrade Building</color> \n <b><color=yellow>SHIFT + Hammmer in Hande + Right Mouse Button</color></b> <color=white>Downgrade Building</color> \n <b><color=yellow>SHIFT + E Key</color></b> <color=white>Change Building Grade</color>", "Info Panel - Right Top Panel Text": "<b><size=30><color=white>HOW TO ADD MORE INFO? </color> </size> </b> \n<b><color=yellow>«b» BOLD TEXT «/b»</color></b> \n<i><color=yellow>«i» ITALIC TEXT «/i»</color></i> \n<b><color=yellow>«color=color here (red/white...)» COLORED TEXT «/color»</color></b> \n<b><color=yellow>«size=size here (1,5,20,34...)» BIGGER/SMALLER TEXT «/size»</color></b> \n", "Info Panel - Right Down Panel Text": "Add more text here if you want... (Modify the config file!)", "MySQL Data": [ { "Server": "SERVER", "Username": "USERNAME", "Password": "PASSWORD", "Database": "DATABASE NAME", "Port": 3306 } ], "Resources: Give Player Resources": [ "wood", "stones", "sulfur", "cloth", "leather", "lowgradefuel", "metal.refined", "gunpowder", "hqm", "metal.fragments", "fat.animal", "skull.human", "gears", "pipes", "stash.small", "grenade.beancan", "propanetank", "roadsigns", "rope", "semibody", "sheetmetal", "tarp", "techparts", "targeting.computer", "cctv.camera", "riflebody", "scrap", "smgbody", "explosives", "metalspring", "electricfuse", "metalblade", "metalpipe", "ladder.wooden.wall", "skull.wolf", "sewingkit" ], "ImageData": [ { "ImageName": "twigs", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Materials/twigs.png" }, { "ImageName": "wood", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Materials/wood.png" }, { "ImageName": "stones", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Materials/stones.png" }, { "ImageName": "metal fragments", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Materials/metal.fragments.png" }, { "ImageName": "high quality metal", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Materials/metal.refined.png" }, { "ImageName": "wood_dlc", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Materials/10226.png" }, { "ImageName": "adobe", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Materials/10220.png" }, { "ImageName": "bricks", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Materials/10223.png" }, { "ImageName": "brutalist", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Materials/10225.png" }, { "ImageName": "ScrapCopter", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/scrap-heli.png" }, { "ImageName": "MagnetCrane", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/magnet-crane.png" }, { "ImageName": "Chinook", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/JjRociu.png" }, { "ImageName": "AttackHelicopter", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/attack-helicopter.png" }, { "ImageName": "Sedan", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/psn6fvX.png" }, { "ImageName": "RidableHorse", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/ridable-horse.png" }, { "ImageName": "2ModuleCar", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/modular-vehicle-2.png" }, { "ImageName": "3ModuleCar", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/modular-vehicle-3.png" }, { "ImageName": "4ModuleCar", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/modular-vehicle-4.png" }, { "ImageName": "Snowmobile", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/snowmobile.png" }, { "ImageName": "RowBoat", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/rowboat.png" }, { "ImageName": "Rhib", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/rhib.png" }, { "ImageName": "SoloSubmarine", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/submarine-solo.png" }, { "ImageName": "DuoSubmarine", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/submarine-duo.png" }, { "ImageName": "Tugboat", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/tugboat.png" }, { "ImageName": "Minicopter", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/minicopter.png" }, { "ImageName": "HotAirBallon", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/balloon.png" }, { "ImageName": "Bike", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/bicycle.png" }, { "ImageName": "MotorBike", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/motorbike.png" }, { "ImageName": "MotorBikeSideCar", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/motorbike-sidecar.png" }, { "ImageName": "UpVote", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/rCaZzhq.png" }, { "ImageName": "DownVote", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Vehicles/F9I5jQc.png" }, { "ImageName": "garage_door", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/wall.frame.garagedoor.png" }, { "ImageName": "heater", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/heather.png" }, { "ImageName": "flasherlight", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/flasherlight.png" }, { "ImageName": "electricfurnace", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/electricfurnace.png" }, { "ImageName": "industrial", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/industrialwalllight.png" }, { "ImageName": "animatedneon", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/animatedneon.png" }, { "ImageName": "double_wooden_door", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/door.double.hinged.wood.png" }, { "ImageName": "double_metal_door", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/door.double.hinged.metal.png" }, { "ImageName": "double_hqm_door", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/door.double.hinged.toptier.png" }, { "ImageName": "simple_wooden_door", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/door.hinged.wood.png" }, { "ImageName": "simple_metal_door", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/door.hinged.metal.png" }, { "ImageName": "simple_hqm_door", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/door.hinged.toptier.png" }, { "ImageName": "Window_Wooden", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/wall.window.bars.wood.png" }, { "ImageName": "Window_Metal", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/wall.window.bars.metal.png" }, { "ImageName": "Window_Hqm", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/wall.window.bars.toptier.png" }, { "ImageName": "Window_Glass_Reinforced", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/wall.window.glass.reinforced.png" }, { "ImageName": "Embrasure_Shutters", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/shutter.wood.a.png" }, { "ImageName": "Embrasure_Metal_Vertical", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/shutter.metal.embrasure.b.png" }, { "ImageName": "Embrasure_Metal_Horizontal", "ImgUrl": "https://cdn.legacystudio.com.ar/Misc/shutter.metal.embrasure.a.png" }, { "ImageName": "autoturret", "ImgUrl": "https://carbonmod.gg/assets/media/items/autoturret.png" } ], "KitData": [ { "Item ID": 200773292, "Item Skin ID": 3326537103, "Player Container Type (Main, Belt, Wear)": 1 }, { "Item ID": 237239288, "Item Skin ID": 2483395996, "Player Container Type (Main, Belt, Wear)": 2 }, { "Item ID": 1751045826, "Item Skin ID": 2483392049, "Player Container Type (Main, Belt, Wear)": 2 } ], "Blocked Items": [ "firework.boomer.blue", "firework.romancandle.blue", "firework.boomer.champagne", "firework.boomer.green", "firework.romancandle.green", "firework.boomer.orange", "firework.boomer.pattern", "firework.boomer.red", "firework.romancandle.red", "firework.volcano.red", "firework.boomer.violet", "firework.romancandle.violet", "firework.volcano.violet", "firework.volcano", "electric.igniter" ] }
  5. Hi Ryuk, with the latest update, I'm no longer seeing wipe to foundations or wipe deployables button
  6. mainloot


    hm, interesting. Personally, the ui isn't big deal for me. But it's interesting because I've been running your plugin on carbon for a couple weeks now no issue. I just request carbon compatibility in case you forgot to tick the box. I just assumed it was compatible because it works fine for me and my players. But let me know!
  7. but sounds like a fix is still in progress
  8. I am running carbon so it sounds like we're all good!
  9. mainloot


    also, please make this carbon compatible
  10. Hi, one of our players submitted feedback that the default image for doors, windows, etc remains selected after they make a different choice. Attached is a video they submitted RUST_2025.02.05_-_20.02.58.02.mp4
  11. update: the first time this happened to me (on foundation), I was able to log back in and remove it with remove tool. But this wall frame, the same one in the video, attempting to remove it boots me every time with the same error. Added another picture for reference. Maybe because it's in terrain?
  12. Hi, great plugin so far. I have noticed that sometimes when trying to remove a block (happened to me with foundation and wall frame so far), it kicks me and throws an error in server logs: Exception (cs:111282): NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. BasePlayer.%2821aa1f47ab4c2e9bf3711868c8aa34fe78308d () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) BasePlayer.%45112f961b1f2fb54e7f5f00664c85baf19d2fc0 (%419c4e251d8f57c823411f79f7117c911d21313d %28343b102ab1cbd7b683a7734044eefa8ed70d58, System.Single %d31e277af7ff0a3b5b204c429fb820dfe37dcee9) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) BasePlayer.ClientUpdateLocalPlayer (System.Single %500be4fa074d9c81009c05ad5512507b3400a602) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) BasePlayer.%ada377f05d61fc5a4468e67534200dba1e0e136b (System.Single %500be4fa074d9c81009c05ad5512507b3400a602) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Client.Update () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) I've also attached a video since I was recording when it happened the second time. creative-bug.mp4
  13. Hi, Just wanted to reach out and see if it's possible to release this plugin with a default config alongside it. When new configuration options are added, this would be useful for diffing owners' current config to see exactly what was added and where. Let me know!
  14. Oh nice, thanks for the response, yep all looks good
  15. I see there's code in here to disable ThirdPersonView on destroy, but it stays in third person. The oxide forums I've read suggest there's currently no way to get back out of third person once set from a plugin, but they're a few years old. I tried taking a whack at solving it, but no luck.
  16. Attached is an image showing the primary issue (top and bottom right): sometimes, some of the UI elements don't get cleaned up when skinner is closed. Initially, I noticed this error in logs when it happens: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Oxide.Plugins.Skinner+BoxController.OnDestroy () [0x000c0] in <d600f4f3223b46b1a12eddfd22098c4f>:0 So I checked out this function and saw that it happens here: if (backpack != null) backpack.contents.onPreItemRemove -= PosWatch; All I did to fix it was mimic what you do in StartItemSkin method and also check to see if backpack.contents is null, e.g.: if (backpack != null && backpack.contents != null) backpack.contents.onPreItemRemove -= PosWatch; Hope this helps anyone experiencing the same issue.


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