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Monarc Games

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Everything posted by Monarc Games

  1. Monarc Games

    Fix for few things

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  2. Monarc Games

    Error while compiling

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.13
  3. Monarc Games

    Error while compiling

    The latest version is available now!
  4. Monarc Games

    Error while compiling

    Hey, We will send out a fix very soon. Thanks
  5. Monarc Games

    Fix for few things

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  6. Monarc Games

    Fix for few things

    Hey, Sorry that we haven't replied earlier, for some odd reason we did not receive your support request notification. A new version will be coming very soon which will address the issues you are having. If you have any further issues with any other Epidemic products or have a plugin suggestion, you can join our official discord here and let us know! https://discord.gg/NTg83ETKuW Thanks
  7. Monarc Games

    Strange thing?....

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.23
  8. Monarc Games

    Hot Zones on Map

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  9. Monarc Games

    Hot Zones on Map

    Hey, A new version will be released soon, which will address the issues you are having. Thanks
  10. Monarc Games

    Strange thing?....

    Hey, Try testing out the new version, thanks Sorry for the long wait
  11. Monarc Games


    Rogue has now been updated and features all requests given so far. The rogue raid event activator is still experimental, so if there are any issues which might occur send a message in this discussion or message us on discord: https://discord.gg/datHZrBnQz
  12. Monarc Games


    That will be added within the next update very soon!
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Hot Zones are special areas that spawn amplified or additional loot players can fight for. Permissions The use permission (configurable within the configuration file) allows players to spawn their own hot zone. Commands /hz - Spawns a hot zone Configuration { "General Settings": { "Main command": "hz", "Use permission": "hotzones.use" }, "Chat Settings": { "Chat icon (Steam 64 ID)": 0, "Chat prefix": "Hot Zones: ", "Chat prefix colour": "#fcc253", "Message player when they enter a hot zone": false, "Message player when they leave a hot zone": false }, "Zone Settings": { "Enable custom zone radius (If some boxes that can be looted are beyond the radius they will be ignored!)": false, "Custom zone radius": 0, "Cooldown between hot zone spawns (seconds)": 600, "Min hot zone alive duration (seconds)": 900, "Max hot zone alive duration (seconds)": 1800, "Blacklisted monuments": [ "All Safe Zones" ], "Zone Map Marker": { "Enable map marker": true, "Enable custom map marker radius": false, "Custom map marker radius": 0.25, "Map marker inner-colour": "#6789bc", "Map marker outer-colour": "#6789bc", "Map marker type ('none', 'vendingmachine', 'explosion')": "none", "Map marker opacity": 0.7 }, "Zone Sphere": { "Enable sphere": false, "Sphere Colour (black, blue, red, green or purple)": "black" } }, "Loot Settings": { "Global zone loot percentage amplify amount (0 = ignore setting)": 0, "Containers": { "crate_elite": { "Items": [ { "Shortname": "", "Probability": 50, "Min amount": 0, "Max amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "", "Probability": 50, "Min amount": 0, "Max amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "", "Probability": 50, "Min amount": 0, "Max amount": 1 } ] }, "crate_tools": { "Items": [ { "Shortname": "", "Probability": 50, "Min amount": 0, "Max amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "", "Probability": 50, "Min amount": 0, "Max amount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "", "Probability": 50, "Min amount": 0, "Max amount": 1 } ] } } } } Localisation { "Info.HotZoneStarted": "A hot zone has appeared!", "Info.HotZoneEnded": "A hot zone has ended!", "Info.EnteredHotZone": "You have entered a hot zone. Extra loot will be found in containers.", "Info.ExitedHotZone": "You have left the hot zone.", "Info.DamageOnlyInHotZone": "You are unable to damage players while outside of a hot zone.", "Error.NoCommand": "Execution failed for this command.", "Error.NoPermission": "You have no permission to execute this command." }
  14. Monarc Games


    That will be possible in the next update. NPCs with specific names or other attributes could also be possible if you are requesting that as well. Let us know if you would like any other features and we will add it in the next update
  15. Monarc Games


    Currently NPCs do not trigger rogue status. This feature wont take long to develop. It will be available in the next update.
  16. Monarc Games


    Hey, We are working on implementing this feature, it will be able in the next update
  17. Monarc Games


    We can add functionality for a more simple approach to allow for certain players to make other players rogue, we will send out an update soon. Also, the current rogue players are stored temporarily within the plugin, so when you reload the plugin all rogue players should disappear from the map. If you have any issues you have came across or any features you would like us to add, let us know and we can do so Thanks
  18. Monarc Games


    Does the error occur when the player goes rogue by a specific action (for example like killing another player, or picking a crate) If you could also post your configuration file that would be helpful
  19. Monarc Games


    Hey, we are trying to reproduce the error, can you please let us know when this exact error starts happening.
  20. Monarc Games


    Hey, we will get that fixed soon. Thanks
  21. Monarc Games


    V1.0.23 has fixed the issues you have mentioned. Also, we have added a command that allows you to make people rogue and even stop their rogue status! Let us know if you encounter any more issues, Thanks
  22. Monarc Games


    Hey, we will send out a hotfix for the plugin soon, with the inclusion of your suggestions.
  23. Monarc Games


    Hey, Rogue V1.0.22 offers both of your requests you have suggested. Thanks
  24. Version 1.0.13


    A new item that has an inbuilt explosive charge into it which players can detonate using a computer station Commands /bd give everyone - Gives everyone a bomb drone item /bd give {player name} - Gives a player a bomb drone Permissions bombdrone.use - Allows the player to detonate the drone bombdrone.admin - Allows the player to use the /bd give command Configuration { "General Settings": { "Main command": "bd", "Use permission": "bombdrone.use", "Admin permission": "bombdrone.admin" }, "Chat Settings": { "Chat icon (Steam 64 ID)": 0, "Chat prefix": "BOMB DRONE: ", "Chat prefix colour": "#fcc253", "Send a message when a player spawns a bomb drone": true }, "Drone Settings": { "Play a repeated sound on drone spawn": false, "Sound to play": "", "Sound repeat timer": 1 }, "Spawn Settings": { "Spawn bomb drone in containers": false, "Containers": { "crate_normal": { "Probability to spawn": 50, "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2 }, "crate_normal_2": { "Probability to spawn": 20, "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 1 } } } } Localisation { "Info.GaveBombDrone": "You have given a bomb drone to yourself!", "Info.PlaceBombDrone": "You have placed a bomb drone! Use a computer station to detonate the bomb by clicking <color=#fcc253>right mouse button</color>.", "Error.NoCommand": "This command cannot be found...", "Error.NoPermission": "You have no permission to execute this command.", "Error.NoPermissionToDetonate": "You are not allowed to detonate the bomb drone." }
  25. Monarc Games


    Thanks for the suggestion! The bypass permission has been included within version 1.0.2 of Rogue.


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