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Magic Services

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Everything posted by Magic Services

  1. Hey, in the file you will see a README which will explain this for you. But otherwise, you should see a RustMaps folder, this will have a .map file you can upload here
  2. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  3. Magic Services

    error with economics

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  4. Magic Services

    error with economics

    Discussing on discord
  5. @Yaan we do not have anything in the location of the XDQuest prefab, but I am not familiar with it, let me know if you have issues (message me directly) and I can assist!
  6. Magic Services


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  7. Magic Services


    It will show points regardless if you are using economics or server rewards. I apologise for the late reply
  8. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  9. There's nothing better to do except make the bot better! but for any future feature requests please ask us on our discord server. We will add the feature of ignoring older version numbers though
  10. Hey sorry I didn't see this, can you please use Discord support. Codefling support requests are hard to manage. Do you have this set in your overrides? I think the check is only if the version is different, not if it's later - which should work 99% of the time.
  11. Possibly, we've gotten a few feature changes from you, we will review them in the new year to see when we can do them
  12. Magic Services

    Console Errors

    Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  13. Magic Services

    Console Errors

    Found how we can resolve the inconveniences caused. We'll try out a new method for overrides in the near future.
  14. Magic Services

    Console Errors

  15. Magic Services

    Console Errors

    Unfortunately not without setting up all the scraping on the bot, which just wouldn't be nice The direct links work perfectly when the name is similar to the product title, otherwise the SA API cant find it As I said earlier, do you want me to report this to Pheonix I can try get a better resolution
  16. Magic Services

    Console Errors

    When you search a plugin name on the SA API it comes up with all the marketplaces it can find If you have a direct link, it will see if it's in the result and use it
  17. Magic Services

    Console Errors

    I'm going to use this as an example - where you see [Info("MagicCore" - that's the plugin name that the bot sees and reports to the SA API That name has to reflect the title of the product on any marketplace for it to find it, as far as im aware. I'm only assuming how the SA API works from testing with these names
  18. Magic Services

    Console Error

    You asked what it meant, I was clarifying that it's a warning error, not a crash report
  19. Magic Services

    Console Error

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  20. Magic Services

    Console Error

    It's an error, not a crash report With this being said, it's only a warning, we'll add something for this
  21. Magic Services

    Console Errors

    Didn't realise the edit reason was public, lol.. I was correcting my reasoning I can report these findings and your overrides.json to the owner of Server Armour to see if he can make changes to help resolve this
  22. Magic Services

    Console Errors

    AFDrops: the plugin name does not represent what it's called on codefling, so the SA API can't find it, if you search "Airfield Drops" it finds it. ArmoredTrain This one is a bit more difficult, as I assume the creator used the same plugin name as the Christmas update one, so the Server Armour API isnt finding it. You need to search with the Christmas Update name, but the bot can't do this. LadderFlyhack Similar issue, the plugin name does not represent what it's called on codefling, so the SA API can't find it image Lights On Incorrect version usage, 2.1.06 should be 2.1.6. PveMode This is listed on codefling as an extension, therefor the SA API cannot find it, as it only searches for plugins. RFRadio Incorrect version usage, 1..2.11 should be 1.2.11. TCUpgrades Same issue to Ladder Flyhack, the name doesn't represent what's on codefling, if you search "TC Upgrades" it finds it. Welcome Panel: It is not publicly listed for sale on David's site anymore, therefor I think the Server Armour API is not picking it up. You're going to have to use the codefling url for this.
  23. Magic Services

    Console Errors

    The Errors for versions cannot be cleared, unless you ask the developers to use correct version numbers The errors on overrides I want to take a look at, can you send me your overrides.json file please
  24. Magic Services

    Update Posts

    Looking into this


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