the plugin name does not represent what it's called on codefling, so the SA API can't find it, if you search "Airfield Drops" it finds it.
This one is a bit more difficult, as I assume the creator used the same plugin name as the Christmas update one, so the Server Armour API isnt finding it. You need to search with the Christmas Update name, but the bot can't do this.
Similar issue, the plugin name does not represent what it's called on codefling, so the SA API can't find it image
Lights On
Incorrect version usage, 2.1.06 should be 2.1.6.
This is listed on codefling as an extension, therefor the SA API cannot find it, as it only searches for plugins.
Incorrect version usage, 1..2.11 should be 1.2.11.
Same issue to Ladder Flyhack, the name doesn't represent what's on codefling, if you search "TC Upgrades" it finds it.
Welcome Panel:
It is not publicly listed for sale on David's site anymore, therefor I think the Server Armour API is not picking it up. You're going to have to use the codefling url for this.