Version 1.4.1
Hello everyone, here is a free plugin that enables you to spawn at outpost or bandit camp upon death!
Join my discord server! Report any bugs or issues here:
Permissions: safezonerespawner.use
-ImageLibrary Support
-Enable / Disable Outpost/Bandit Camp respawn
-Remove hostility upon respawn
-Ability to change the cooldown timers on each safezone spawn
-Change how much food/water/hp you spawn in with
-You can change the spawn position to fit your map needs
-Set custom images for each spawn (using imgur)
-Customize the GUI button / text colors (using RGB Color Codes)
This is what the default config looks like, make the changes necessary for your server.
"Enable Outpost Respawn": true,
"Enable Bandit Camp Respawn": false,
"Remove Hostility On Respawn": false,
"Use ImageLibrary for Icons": false,
"Spawn Settings": {
"Outpost Cooldown (seconds)": 120.0,
"Bandit Camp Cooldown (seconds)": 120.0,
"Enable Health Setting": false,
"Enable Food Setting": false,
"Enable Water Setting": false,
"Spawn Health (max =100": 100.0,
"Spawn Food (max =300?)": 300.0,
"Spawn Water (max =250)": 200.0,
"Spawn Position Offsets": {
"Outpost Offset (X,Y,Z)": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": -23.0 //change this value if your experiencing clipping issues
"Bandit Camp Offset (X,Y,Z)": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": -25.0 //change this value if your experiencing clipping issues
"Height Above Ground": 0.3
"Custom Images": {
"Outpost Button Image URL": "your_custom_image_url",
"Bandit Button Image URL": "your_custom_image_url"
"GUI Settings": {
"Outpost Button Color": "0.42 0.55 0.24 1", //uses rgb color codes!
"Bandit Button Color": "0.55 0.42 0.24 1",
"Text Color": "1 1 1 1",
"Cooldown Text Color": "0.7 0.7 0.7 1",
"Disabled Button Color": "0.3 0.3 0.3 1"
Change Log:
[-] Fixed an issue upon re-connecting it wouldn't give you the option to spawn at a safezone.