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Everything posted by RubMyBricks

  1. How big is your rust community?
  2. Try the new version I just released and tell me if it looks better
  3. Send me a dm on discord or join my server ill help you out
  4. Changed Status from Fixed to Closed
  5. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Fixed Changed Fixed In from 1.3.2 to 1.4
  6. Hey there. removing hostility should be up in the latest version please update. Any new suggestions let me know!
  7. Fixed imagelibrary, should work properly now with imgur links. Still working on removing hostility.
  8. Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  10. Ill look into it!
  11. Looking for a semi decent sized community that is PvP based, that is willing to work with me on a couple of plugins (you will get it for free of course) for server to server transfers and alot of other things to test! Will also do free dev. work for you aswell. Let me know! Discord: rubmybricks
  12. Version 1.4.1


    Hello everyone, here is a free plugin that enables you to spawn at outpost or bandit camp upon death! Join my discord server! Report any bugs or issues here: https://discord.gg/gPg92292HS Permissions: safezonerespawner.use Features: -ImageLibrary Support -Enable / Disable Outpost/Bandit Camp respawn -Remove hostility upon respawn -Ability to change the cooldown timers on each safezone spawn -Change how much food/water/hp you spawn in with -You can change the spawn position to fit your map needs -Set custom images for each spawn (using imgur) -Customize the GUI button / text colors (using RGB Color Codes) This is what the default config looks like, make the changes necessary for your server. "Enable Outpost Respawn": true, "Enable Bandit Camp Respawn": false, "Remove Hostility On Respawn": false, "Use ImageLibrary for Icons": false, "Spawn Settings": { "Outpost Cooldown (seconds)": 120.0, "Bandit Camp Cooldown (seconds)": 120.0, "Enable Health Setting": false, "Enable Food Setting": false, "Enable Water Setting": false, "Spawn Health (max =100": 100.0, "Spawn Food (max =300?)": 300.0, "Spawn Water (max =250)": 200.0, "Spawn Position Offsets": { "Outpost Offset (X,Y,Z)": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": -23.0 //change this value if your experiencing clipping issues }, "Bandit Camp Offset (X,Y,Z)": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": -25.0 //change this value if your experiencing clipping issues }, "Height Above Ground": 0.3 } }, "Custom Images": { "Outpost Button Image URL": "your_custom_image_url", "Bandit Button Image URL": "your_custom_image_url" }, "GUI Settings": { "Outpost Button Color": "0.42 0.55 0.24 1", //uses rgb color codes! "Bandit Button Color": "0.55 0.42 0.24 1", "Text Color": "1 1 1 1", "Cooldown Text Color": "0.7 0.7 0.7 1", "Disabled Button Color": "0.3 0.3 0.3 1" } Github: https://github.com/TheGoldenTrooper/outpost_respawn Change Log: v1.4.2 [-] Fixed an issue upon re-connecting it wouldn't give you the option to spawn at a safezone. SafezoneRespawner.cs


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