Version 1.4.0
Recycle Anything allows you to setup your own custom recycler recipes, complete with custom outputs.
If you are like me then you HATE having to eat those damn berries to get their seeds. You're welcome.
This plugin is not limited to just recycling food. If you felt particularly spicy you could even allow the player
to recycle their fertilizer instead of having to sell it at Bandit Camp.
VERY customizable Recycler recipes/ outputs (NOT LIMITED TO FOOD).
Can differentiate recipes by item skin ids (great for custom items)
Can differentiate recipes by item names (also, great for custom items)
Able to set a minimum required amount before the player can recycle an item
Can now use Economics!! recycle Pookie Bears into cash!
Can now Recycle BP's as well as out BP's for any given recipe. (Check the default config to see how it works).
What's on the todo list?
Allow for random output (recycle a sleeping bag and get 500 wood, or 3 sheet metal doors for example)
Add Server Rewards (SR) as an output type allowing you to recycle items into rewards.
If you are using any plugin that modifies an items name or skin id after the item is already in the inventory
(if so you have likely had clashes with other plugins too), then this plugin MAY cause stack sizes to be incorrect.
I will be happy to work with you to resolve this issue IF it shows up.
For a detailed explanation of the configuration file as well as a general explanation of the plugin please view the following;