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Everything posted by thaurane

  1. thaurane


    $40 is too steep of a price. That is basically an entire game. Pretty much the same price as Rust itself. You all might have deep enough pockets but I don't. I'm not sure why I should pay such a high price tag when I can take that money and go enjoy an entire other game instead. The most I would pay is $10, maybe $20 tops. To those that say along the lines "it was dropped on him at the last minute". While I agree with that. I don't agree that is an excuse to charge such an exorbitant amount. I'll miss this plugin because I will never pay that price tag. It was fun while it lasted.
  2. No I didn't try but it does work as you said it would. Sorry about that!
  3. Like the title says. hackable crate bots are not spawning. No errors in the console. I've attached a screenshot of the bots not spawning, other plugins and the .json I am using. default-DefaultProfiles.json
  4. I am using the kit plugin https://umod.org/plugins/rust-kits Rust server and oxide is up to date. When I create a custom bot it spawns without any trouble. In the BotSpawn plugin description it says "You will need to edit data/BotSpawn.json and set AutoSpawn: "true", as well as any other customization". However there is not a data\botspawn.json location. There is a config\BotSpawn.json. But when I open it the botspawn.json custom bot is not there. Only what is created on default from loading the plugin for the first time. Editing the file under \data\BotSpawn\default-CustomProfiles.json does work with things like autospawn. But when I try adding in the kit and reload the BotSpawn plugin the console throws a bunch of errors. When trying to spawn the custom bot ingame even with the errors showing. I get the error: There is no profile by that name in default or custom profile jsons. Even though it does exist in the files. I not sure what I am doing wrong. Picture of the error in the console attached.


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