About Frozen Lakes - *UKN 2020 Terrain Arenas-Originals-Revamped*
This is an Arctic arena, a small subpolar paradise,
in a prehistoric caldera, with a nutrient-rich soil in which many trees and shrubs grew,
creating this beautiful little valley of snow rocks and life
2 in 1 arena:
Wall-to-Wall - If players want to mostly just shoot from a spawn wall to a spawn wall, they can do so on the flat fields with the one lake, on one side of the spawn wall.
Shoot Hide/Seek - If they like to run, hide and shoot on each other, theres lots of this on the side with 2 lakes and lots of cliffs and rock formations
Changes 2020 to Revamped;
This one has gotten a bigger revamping, also the arena direction got rotated with 90° as I felt like how it was it wasnt it, after the new rocks, so changed the direction the arenas, kept one side more clean for long distance shooting, other side is nicely rocked up for those that wanna run, hide and shoot
Use info;
Biome: Arctic
Prefab Count: 562
Arena spawn heights;
Y: 13.619
Arena got the following Modifiers:
(This is one the original Arenas I've done for UKN in 2020, after the HDRP update they got a bit broken as they are mostly cliffs as prefabs. I've replaced all rocks amd reshaped/restyled the terrains where need.)
*Its part of the UKN 2020 Terrain Arenas-Originals-Revamped-Bundle which you can get with a discount.*