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Food Editor 1.0.0

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Message added by tacman1981,

Thank you for looking at my file. If you have any suggestions to improve on it, please don't be afraid to reach out to me in discord or a private message here.

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About Food Editor

This plugin is simple, the config file self populates with all food items, and includes a range of metabolism effects that players can gain. When the config first creates, it includes default values for every food type. does not include liquids yet.

The config allows various changes to the metabolism effects related to food. Includes random chance for bad effect when eating pickles. It also includes a no cooldown on eat, if set to true in config, for everyone.

Below is what the config looks like on initial load, any changes made will require a reload of the plugin to take effect when eating the food type. Set to negative to reduce the effect instead of increase.


  "Remove eating cooldown (players can spam eat the following food with this setting)": false,
  "Food Items and their metabolism effects": {
    "apple": {
      "calories": 30.0,
      "hydration": 15.0,
      "health": 2.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "apple.spoiled": {
      "calories": 15.0,
      "hydration": 2.0,
      "health": 2.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "black.raspberries": {
      "calories": 40.0,
      "hydration": 20.0,
      "health": 10.0,
      "poison": -5.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "blueberries": {
      "calories": 30.0,
      "hydration": 20.0,
      "health": 10.0,
      "poison": -5.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "grub": {
      "calories": 3.0,
      "hydration": -15.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "worm": {
      "calories": 1.0,
      "hydration": -10.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "cactusflesh": {
      "calories": 5.0,
      "hydration": 20.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 3.0
    "can.beans": {
      "calories": 100.0,
      "hydration": 25.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 4.0
    "can.tuna": {
      "calories": 50.0,
      "hydration": 15.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 2.0
    "chocolate": {
      "calories": 100.0,
      "hydration": 1.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 2.0
    "fish.cooked": {
      "calories": 60.0,
      "hydration": 15.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 5.0
    "fish.raw": {
      "calories": 5.0,
      "hydration": 1.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "fish.minnows": {
      "calories": 10.0,
      "hydration": 1.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 1.0
    "granolabar": {
      "calories": 60.0,
      "hydration": 0.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 5.0
    "chicken.burned": {
      "calories": 10.0,
      "hydration": 0.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 2.0
    "chicken.cooked": {
      "calories": 40.0,
      "hydration": 3.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 10.0
    "chicken.raw": {
      "calories": 20.0,
      "hydration": 0.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 10.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "chicken.spoiled": {
      "calories": 10.0,
      "hydration": 2.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 10.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "deermeat.burned": {
      "calories": 10.0,
      "hydration": 0.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 2.0
    "deermeat.cooked": {
      "calories": 40.0,
      "hydration": 3.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 10.0
    "deermeat.raw": {
      "calories": 20.0,
      "hydration": 0.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 10.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "horsemeat.burned": {
      "calories": 10.0,
      "hydration": 0.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 2.0
    "horsemeat.cooked": {
      "calories": 45.0,
      "hydration": 3.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 8.0
    "horsemeat.raw": {
      "calories": 20.0,
      "hydration": 0.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 10.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "humanmeat.burned": {
      "calories": 6.0,
      "hydration": -30.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "humanmeat.cooked": {
      "calories": 30.0,
      "hydration": -30.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 2.0
    "humanmeat.raw": {
      "calories": 5.0,
      "hydration": -3.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 10.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "humanmeat.spoiled": {
      "calories": 10.0,
      "hydration": 2.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 10.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "bearmeat.burned": {
      "calories": 25.0,
      "hydration": 0.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 1.0
    "bearmeat.cooked": {
      "calories": 100.0,
      "hydration": 1.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 5.0
    "bearmeat": {
      "calories": 10.0,
      "hydration": 3.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 5.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "wolfmeat.burned": {
      "calories": 15.0,
      "hydration": 0.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 1.0
    "wolfmeat.cooked": {
      "calories": 60.0,
      "hydration": 1.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 5.0
    "wolfmeat.raw": {
      "calories": 20.0,
      "hydration": 0.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 10.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "wolfmeat.spoiled": {
      "calories": 10.0,
      "hydration": 2.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 10.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "meat.pork.burned": {
      "calories": 15.0,
      "hydration": 0.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 1.0
    "meat.pork.cooked": {
      "calories": 60.0,
      "hydration": 1.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 5.0
    "meat.boar": {
      "calories": 60.0,
      "hydration": 0.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 5.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "mushroom": {
      "calories": 15.0,
      "hydration": 5.0,
      "health": 3.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "jar.pickle": {
      "calories": 50.0,
      "hydration": 20.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 5.0
    "halloween.candy": {
      "calories": 25.0,
      "hydration": 0.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 1.0
    "candycaneclub": {
      "calories": 300.0,
      "hydration": 100.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 16.0
    "black.berry": {
      "calories": 5.0,
      "hydration": 2.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "blue.berry": {
      "calories": 5.0,
      "hydration": 2.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "green.berry": {
      "calories": 5.0,
      "hydration": 2.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "red.berry": {
      "calories": 5.0,
      "hydration": 2.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "white.berry": {
      "calories": 5.0,
      "hydration": 2.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "yellow.berry": {
      "calories": 5.0,
      "hydration": 2.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 0.0
    "corn": {
      "calories": 75.0,
      "hydration": 10.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 6.0
    "potato": {
      "calories": 125.0,
      "hydration": 5.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 6.0
    "pumpkin": {
      "calories": 100.0,
      "hydration": 30.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 10.0
    "cakefiveyear": {
      "calories": 100.0,
      "hydration": 1.0,
      "health": 0.0,
      "poison": 0.0,
      "bleeding": 0.0,
      "radiation_poison": 0.0,
      "pending_health": 10.0

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