About Lian Yu 3500
Custom Map with my current work - fully functional and ready to use
Custom Prefabs Included:
- Cobalt Police Department with Bradly Spawn Ringroad (replaced Launchside)
- Bank of Lian Yu
- Cinema of Lian Yu
- Trade Tower Compound (with Compound Spawn)
- Military Base V2 (Puzzle and Cards to get MLRS Access)
- Roadside Truck
- Skull Waterpring
- Underwater Bunker Offshore Prefab
- Miller Town (not released yet)
New Custom Prefabs V2
- Kirran & Lifas Swamp Zombie Home
- Graveyard of Rustcoon City
- Sunken Ship
- Kathi's Whine Heaven (not released yet)
Facepunch Monuments
- Trainyard
- Arctic Base
- Dome
- Airfield
- Oilrig
- Oilrig Large
- Excavator
- Military Tunnel
- Trainstation
- Silo
- Harbor
- 2x Fishing Village
- Underwater Lab
- Tunnels / Metro
- Roadside Monuments
- Stone / Sulfur / HQM Quarry
No password provided , if you wish to modify the map you can purchase the paid version to get the password for the map !
Support Provided here or on Discord.
You need to Put "KahoMapLock.cs" (<3 bmg) into your Oxide Plugin Folder else the Server will not start.
Tested with the Convoy & Dangerous Treasures Plugin - works without problems.
Oxide and Rustdll required