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GuestMods started following Only Level 1 and 2 Beasts Spawning , Economics reward no longer being deposited , Plugin failing to spawn animals and 4 others
Version 1.1.0
Give your players the ability to teleport their modular cars directly to them from any location. Players can claim vehicles as their own using the claim command while they are inside. Once claimed, the vehicle can be teleported to the player using the summon command. At any time players can view a list of their claimed vehicles using the list command. All suggestions are welcome. If you encounter any problems, please open an issue and I will resolve them as soon as possible. Optional Dependencies Server Rewards - Economics - Commands /vehicle.claim - Claim a vehicle and set its ownership to the player. /vclaim /vehicle.unclaim - Claim a vehicle and set its ownership to the player. /vunclaim /vehicle.list - List all currently owned vehicles by the player. /vlist /vehicle.summon - Summon a vehicle to the player. /vsummon Permissions summonvehicle.claim - Allows usage of /vehicle.claim command. summonvehicle.unclaim - Allows usage of /vehicle.unclaim command. summonvehicle.list - Allows usage of /vehicle.list command. summonvehicle.summon - Allows usage of /vehicle.summon command. summonvehicle.summon.passengers - Allows vehicles to be summoned even if they have players in them. - Allows vehicles to be summoned for free no matter what the configuration states. Example Configuration { "ChargePerUnitOfDistance": { "Economics": 0.0, "ServerRewards": 0.0 }, "Language": { "CannotClaimVehicle": "You cannot claim this vehicle.", "EconomicsCharge": "%charge% Ecomonics Points", "MustBeEmpty": "Vehicle must be empty.", "NoFunds": "Insufficient funds to perform this action.", "NoPermission": "No permission to perform that action.", "NoSpace": "No space available to summon vehicle.", "NoVehicleFound": "No vehicle found to claim.", "ServerRewardsCharge": "%charge% Server Reward Points", "VehicleAlreadyClaimed": "This vehicle is already claimed by you.", "VehicleClaimed": "This vehicle is now claimed by you.", "VehicleDescriptor": "%sockets% Socket Modular Car (%distance% units away) Costs %charge%", "VehicleNotOwned": "You do not own this vehicle.", "VehicleSummoned": "Vehicle has been summoned.", "VehicleUnclaimed": "This vehicle is no longer claimed by you." } } Configuration Help The ChargePerUnitOfDistance options allow you to set a custom charge that will be deducted from the player's balance upon summoning vehicles. This charge is multiplied by the distance between the player and the vehicle they wish to summon. The player will not be able to summon a vehicle if they do not have the required funds. Language options can be changed as needed. Some messages use keywords, these keywords are as follows: %charge% - Replaced with the amount the player will be charged. %sockets% - Replaced with the number of modular sockets on the vehicle. %distance% - Replaced with the distance between the player and the vehicle.$15.00 -
GuestMods started following Vehicle Summon
Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.4
Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.4
I can get a small update out so that the default configuration will default to 0 reward points, however I believe your configuration shouldn't be resetting. You said this happens every time the plugin is updated? I'll look into this issue as well as this isn't intended behevaiour.
GuestMods started following Please remove default RP to start on 0
Thank you for your patience, with your configuration I was able to reproduce the error on my end. With a previous update a new feature was added to enable configuration of beast map markers. The error is caused when there are no configuration settings for the map marker present in the configuration file. The latest version 1.1.4 should fix this issue and correctly use default settings for the map markers. I do encourage you to check the default configuration on the plugin page to see an example of how you can customise the map marker just in case you might prefer something other than the default settings. Please let me know if you have any more issues and I apologise again for the inconvenience.
Thank you for your patience, with your configuration I was able to reproduce the error on my end. With a previous update a new feature was added to enable configuration of beast map markers. The error is caused when there are no configuration settings for the map marker present in the configuration file. The latest version 1.1.4 should fix this issue and correctly use default settings for the map markers. I do encourage you to check the default configuration on the plugin page to see an example of how you can customise the map marker just in case you might prefer something other than the default settings. Please let me know if you have any more issues and I apologise again for the inconvenience.
Thanks for getting back to me, however it seems you shared the source file for the plugin, please could you amend you post to remove the plugin attachment and upload your LegendaryBeasts.json configuration file.
Sorry about this, please could you share your configuration files for the plugin. I'm looking to have an update out this evening to fix this. If possible I'll try it out with your configuration before just to make sure everything's working correctly .
Hello, sorry about the error messages. Please could you share your configuration files for the plugin and I'll see if I can have a fix ready for later this evening.
Plugin has now been updated to 1.1.3. This is a smaller update as I have been very busy recently and so a larger update to add new features including spawn locations, weighted spawns and more functionality for beasts will be coming at a later date still. Just wanted to release a smaller update to help solve some issues I've seen here in the meantime. @iPandam At the moment when an entity spawns there is a random chance based on a configuration value on whether or not it will become a legendary beast. With the next update this will be expanded upon. @Azmo Thanks! Support for spawn points will be included in the next big update, I should be able to integrate Spawns Database with the new features. @Andreas Grzybowski I'll have a look into these problems and see what I can do for you. @Rustgaming2021 Please let me know if the latest update solves your issue. @Razor14150 Great suggestions! You should see some of these features included in the next update. The issue with the error appearing in the console should be resolved with the update I uploaded today, please let me know. In regards to your issue with airdrops, which configuration setting are you referring to? Also is your problem with boars is that you only have Level 2 boars spawning when you have things configured differently in your configuration file?
That's great to hear, happy to hear it's been a hit on your server! Currently pushing out smaller updates and fixes where possible, but I hope when the next large update is out it doesn't disappoint.
Thanks for the suggestion! I'll have a look and see if I can find a way to implement this so that it's easy to configure, I really like the idea of having different traits and abilities for beasts.
Thank you everybody for your feedback, I've just posted an update to the plugin. Please try it out and let me know what you think. @Covfefe I'll see what I can do about this, if you have any questions in the meantime feel free to ask. @MeinRust With the latest update you're now able to set custom names and modify the skins on item drops. I have not yet implemented spawn points, but hopefully you can expect to see them soon! @Iron Thanks! Glad to hear you're enjoying the plugin so far. I'll have a look into the chickens and see if I can make the custom ones more aggressive. In the latest update you'll find that you can set custom skins for item drops, I haven't added spawn points yet but they are coming soon. No exploding corpses in this update either, but I think it's a fun idea so next update there might be! @Andreas Grzybowski Sorry about this! I have just updated the plugin and the new version should fix this problem. Please try it out and let me know if you continue to have issues.