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Anti Offline Raid plugin that is working?


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I tried to use the Anti Offline Raid plugin from UMod which gives bases protection connected to the time a player is offline.

This plugin doesn't work. It has issues like detecting wrong when a player logged off and so the protection percentage is wrong.

Any chance some developer could make one that does work.

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It counts the playtime & not the realtime so if you give them 24 hour protection, it is 24 hours playtime and not 24 hour clockwise, which sucks. I'd love to get this plugin re-coded using real time too 🙂

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No. If a player gets offline there is a cooldown.

After the cooldown his base is protected 100% by default. This changes to 80% after an hour real time.

Not after an hour playtime. Wouldnt make sense cause he is not playing, he is offline.

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