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The juggernaut detect us

Work in Progress 1.7.3

When we are in vanish mode and want to analyze an oil rig while the crate is triggered, then the juggernaut NPCs detect us (without shooting at us), they follow us with their gaze and movement. Is it possible to correct this please?

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Here is the full list of what I use:

- AutoPurge
- BetterVanish
- BlueprintManager
- ChaosExtensionDownloader
- ComponentBlocker
- CustomCraftTime
- DeathNotes
- EventTipsRemover
- FriendlyFire
- FullRepair
- ImageLibrary
- InfoPanel
- NoDecay
- NoFuelRequirements
- NoGiveNotices
- NoWorkBench
- RandomSpawns
- RemoverTool
- SAMSiteAuth
- ServerAmour
- ServerInfo
- SignArtist
- StackModifier
- StartProtection
- Teleportication
- TimeOfDay
- VendingStock
- Whitelist

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Is this still relevant? I have revisited it and couldn't reproduce it.
Also, when you vanish all AI in proximity forgets you.

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