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Server load spike

Closed 2.0.3



I'm seeing a large load spike on the server when a boss is killed.

I have my server fps.limit set to 100. It typically sets at 85 fps with all plugins running. 

When a boss is killed the server fps drops to 10-15 for several seconds until the body turns into a backpack. 

Any idea on what could be causing this?



Are you seeing anything else in console when this happens? Check the server console not in game or RCON.

There are no known issues that I know of at all, we would take a look at anything of course. But I'm not seeing a big impact on my end or hearing more accounts of this happening.

How do you have their loot configured? Perhaps something else is leading to a hangup of sorts.

Is anyone experiencing lag though by the way? At those frame rates I doubt anything is noticed.



Nothing in the server console.

Last night I went through and killed all of the bosses for testing. On one boss I was kicked "Packet Flooding: Player Tick". On the Clown the server completely paused for about 10 seconds while showing 75 fps on the console, I thought that the server had locked up until it has become responsive again.

When I upgraded to 2.0.3 I removed everything from the old version of the plugin and started fresh, creating new loot tables for the plugin.




How do you have your server hosted @bbmj214 What are the specs for the machine and the server itself (if different). I can't recall that we have ever gotten feedback of that much impact on the server, or issues to that degree. Do you create your own loot table? Not sure it would have anything to do with it just curious.

I don't want to assume but it almost sounds like server side there could be issues or that another process is running at the same time, I just don't have a guess at what it could be since we haven't run into an issue this severe with the plugin before.

Try unloading other plugins and run only BossMonster and NpcSpawn to see if it persists. If the problem doesn't persist when only those two plugins run then the answer would be that there are too many plugins for the server specs, or that there is another plugin interacting with the death of that NPC or its spawning in again, and eating up resources.



I work for an ISP and do my own hosting.

HP Z440. Win 10 Pro. E5-1650v4, 64GB ram, NVMe drive. RSM for management. CPU affinity set to cores 8 and 10.

I have two Z440 systems, running two rust server instances on each box. The only time the server does this is when a boss monster is killed. It's not a big issue, I wanted to open a ticket in case you guys knew of an issue or had a recommendation. I'll watch it and look into it further after my Dec 15th wipe.



I set
"Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]":
from true to false and the lag went away. 



What is your loot table setup like if you don't mind me asking. That's where you are talking about changing that option correct?

It was hanging up in the loot creation it seems if that's the case, odd though. No other similar issues that I'm aware of.

We do appreciate the feedback and information though.



This is the config that was getting lag.  

All of the bosses have the same loot table.




In your config you've built an 8 item loot table but 2 items have 0.0% probability of dropping. Perhaps this is causing an error as the min max is 8 and 8.

        "ShortName": "scrap",
        "Minimum": 500,
        "Maximum": 750,
        "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 0.0,
        "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
        "Name (empty - default)": ""
        "ShortName": "syringe.medical",
        "Minimum": 15,
        "Maximum": 25,
        "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 0.0,
        "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false,
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
        "Name (empty - default)": ""




I think that did the trick. I hadn't even noticed that I had the probability set to 0 on those.

Thank you for the help.



No problem, I get nervous sometimes that I will miss something simple reviewing a file but I was pretty sure that would be helpful.

Glad to hear it seems to have sorted it, will be here if anything else comes up!



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