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Ladders and twigs cannot be placed during raid time

Closed 1.0.4 1.0.5


I've set:

"Using Ladders In Building Block": true

"Build Ceiling In Building Block": true

Now was the first raid time and the players weren't able to place these in the raid time too.

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I just set: 

"Using Ladders In Building Block": false

"Build Ceiling In Building Block": false

and reloaded the plugin

to give players back the ability to raid cause it's raid time atm.

Guess what happens?

The damage was completely turned off.

I had to unload the plugin completely now cause it's not working correctly in this state.

Sorry to say so.

If you fixed this and the other support threads I wrote you I will test this again.

Please make sure you test all this before updating it.

I cannot annoy my players all the time.

Thank you.

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