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"List of prefabs that can always be damaged" not working

Closed 1.0.4 1.0.5


I just installed and tested the plugin and I set:

"List of prefabs that can always be damaged": [


But it's not taking damage out of raid time.

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On 4/17/2022 at 7:40 AM, Kleementin said:

I just installed and tested the plugin and I set:

"List of prefabs that can always be damaged": [


But it's not taking damage out of raid time.

You must add the full prefab, not the ShortName of the item

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5 minutes ago, AhigaO said:

You must add the full prefab, not the ShortName of the item

Where can I find these? Do you mean these numbers like -1754948969 for a sleeping bag?

I am used to using short names for this from all plugins I have.

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12 minutes ago, Kleementin said:

Where can I find these? Do you mean these numbers like -1754948969 for a sleeping bag?

I am used to using short names for this from all plugins I have.

Sleeping bag prefab: assets/prefabs/deployable/sleeping bag/sleepingbag_leather_deployed.prefab

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1 minute ago, AhigaO said:

Sleeping bag prefab: assets/prefabs/deployable/sleeping bag/sleepingbag_leather_deployed.prefab

Ok. Could you change this to short names?

These are more common, shorter and easy to find on websites.

I have no idea where to find these prefab names for items.

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