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no more helis

Closed 1.1.4





no helis? find nothing in the config



I advise you to use console commands from the HeliControl plugin, so you will achieve the best result



you can do this in the plugin configuration


Posted (edited)


thanks, but I can't do it - would consolidate with other plugins. it worked great in the last version!


can't the option just go back in? just like it was bought!

Edited by PINKY20053


I ask you to implement the option again, as this was a reason to buy, and I already left a good 100 dollars with you and wanted to buy more plugins. only if it is simply changed, I cannot accept it. they are good plungins that are kept simple and function well



I don't want to sound as pushy as Pinky but the implementation of the Attack Heli to said plugin was a very nice option.




I made you an option that works much better, why you refuse the best, I don't understand. You want to use a function that has its drawbacks, why?

there are cases when an ordinary helicopter hovered in the air when it arrives at this place, these problems are solved in the Helicontrol plugin and you can configure the helicopter as you wish, so I thought I would give way to a plugin that specializes in this, was it the wrong choice?



I can get it back, there's no problem with that. But I offer you an option that will work better than you use, I want you to get only the best, so I try to conduct this dialogue



Well I mean, there is some complications to that logic and I am not saying you're wrong. I've been working on plugin config file to better challenge players on my server but One thing you have to realize is that HeliControl would be another plugin to add onto the list. Depending on server performance for some people that might be an issue. 

Not to mention that HeliControl would just so happen to mess with other plugins. 

I will admit the Attack Heli does tend to just fly in one spot. I just wonder myself. If I were to use this plugin. 
Do I just add in "callheli pos" to the Config File? If So, I'll happily download the HeliControl plugin instead but If I have to enter in the Coords everytime. Well that is very time consuming and tedious.



So I am trying out the HeliControl Plugin right now and I called it to my position Geared and with M2. If I shot the body of said Heli It just stayed there. Hovering. It wasn't until I damaged it's Rotor that It caused the AI to go into a Strafing run. So the Heli Hovering is a problem with the AI and not either you or even the HeliControl Plugin.



Ah, So the trick is to use "CallHeli" then "Helidest {steamid} then "strafe {steamid}" 

It'll attack the player as soon as it is in range like a Normal Heli.




Then the question is How do I add in those commands to the HarborEvent Plugin so they work?

    "A list of commands that are executed in the console ({steamid} - the player who looted the crate)": []

Because you don't really give us any instruction on how to do it properly...

    "A list of commands that are executed in the console ({steamid} - the player who looted the crate)": [callheli], [helidest {steamid}], [strafe {steamid}]
Like so? or is it some other way?



hello, it seems to me that it is better for us to continue the dialogue in Discord (KpucTaJl#8923), I would be able to help you better with this, I think that you will have something to say to me about this, especially if there are any problems, then I will be able to answer them faster there



17 hours ago, xTheWiseOne said:

Then the question is How do I add in those commands to the HarborEvent Plugin so they work?

    "A list of commands that are executed in the console ({steamid} - the player who looted the crate)": []

Because you don't really give us any instruction on how to do it properly...

    "A list of commands that are executed in the console ({steamid} - the player who looted the crate)": [callheli], [helidest {steamid}], [strafe {steamid}]
Like so? or is it some other way?

should simply be reinserted as it was and fine. that's what you paid for



ok, I'll add this in a future update



@PINKY20053 Hi, I decided to make a helicopter logic for you so that there would be no bug like before and you could just turn on the helicopter as you want, I will post an update in the next week



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