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killed in safe zone

Pending 2.1.2



I have a custom spawn location under a mountain. when I use a random spawn location, a boss like Scary can spawn above my custom spawn location. new players are being set on fire and killed by radiation. is there a way to block bosses from attacking players in safe zones?

SrtBull did an Audit of my server, which happened to him on his live stream.
I logged on to test and found that it was a boss.



What version of NpcSpawn do you have? There has been a safe zone option in there for awhile is that set?

Otherwise check a few other things like the bosses configuration for sense range and if they sense in radius or not. It sounds like the bosses effects.

Let me know once you've checked those though and we will go from there.



just the default config for the NpcSpawn. It's a small change to Scary loot and fireball cooldown but other wise default.


  "Can NpcSpawn NPCs attack animals? [true/false]": false,
  "Can NpcSpawn NPCs attack other NPCs? [true/false]": false,
  "Can NpcSpawn NPCs attack sleeping players? [true/false]": false,
  "Can NpcSpawn NPCs attack wounded players? [true/false]": false,
  "Can NpcSpawn NPCs attack players in SafeZone? [true/false]": false,
  "Prefab path used for all NpcSpawn NPCs": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_heavy.prefab",
  "Configuration version": {
    "Major": 2,
    "Minor": 6,
    "Patch": 9





Set this to true for any wandering bosses, or bosses you just want to have to need visual detection.

  "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false,

Or reduce their sense range.

  "Sense Range": 50.0,

Or do both.



Thank you, it does seem like only their special abilities are doing damage in these instances right @LizardMods? Appreciate the video and feedback.



Would you be able to get video of this happening @LizardMods in the safe zone? KpucTaJl would like to see this where the boss is attacking the safe zone as they should not be able to. Are they people spawning in for the first time?


Posted (edited)

ya, it's a spawn room for new players. It's using a rust edit safe zone. I will just link you SrtBull video with the time stamp
SrtBull 19:56

edit. you know after looking at the footage it's like it kills sleepers in the safe zone. not sure if the fire kills the player but the radiation does.

Edited by LizardMods


Understood will reply soon with more of a response but will review that with K.

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This is from KpucTaJl @LizardMods.


did this player just log in to the server for the first time or did he teleport to safezone?

judging by the fact that he was attacked by the boss with the ability only once and only when he appeared, this indicates that the player is not in the boss's zone

from which the conclusion appears, the player logged on to the server and found himself in the boss's zone, but then there is some kind of plugin that teleported him to SafeZone, so the boss used the ability once. The main question is how the player got there. Did he log in for the first time and was teleported to SafeZone or did he log out of the game in this place before that? If he entered for the first time, how is the teleportation of players in SafeZone carried out? Which plugin creates this?

Great point worth looking into to confirm and such. Let us know as much as you can find out in that regard.



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