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Base No longer Spawning

Pending 2.8.5

I have been using the same config and data for months, and suddenly today I noticed that Raidable Bases are no longer spawning around the map in any of my servers.

I have also tried to use the /buyraid command in multiple different areas of the map, but it keeps telling me " Could not find a random position! "

Thank you in advance for your help


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heya, it's difficult to say

generally this issue is caused by one of three things

1. blocked by zonemanager zones. you would have to look at how many points are available on the grid when the plugin fully loads the grid

2. lack of points available on the grid due to too many player entities

3. changing the config, such as blocking beach or inland spawns, or only allowing spawns in zone manager zones

you can look at how many points are available on the grid. if there isn't at least 1500 then you're likely to run into this issue due to #1 or #2

if this number looks good then use the rbe debug command (it's a toggle) to see what's going on. this includes negative and position debug. each debug message has a number next to it indicating how many times it has occurred. this makes it easier to discern what the issue might be.

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