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Zombies not spawning.

Closed 0.5.0



Continuing from the discussion thread. I mentioned Npc Spawn since it's required for WaterTreatmentEvent to work properly. Just wanted to clarify which versions of them are on my server. My config is below. I've only changed the time and duration of the event for testing purposes. It's possible i may have a plugin conflict preventing the zombies from spawning. I'm also using Monument Owner, Better Npc, Pve Mode, Zombie Horde, Kill Streaks, and TheWalkingDead  on a TruePve server.  (There's quite a few more mods on there but, those are the ones that come to mind that may affect a monument.) I unloaded all but TruePve during testing and no zombies spawned for the event.


Yac Vaguer


I will need to checks some of the plugins first to see if there any conflicts. Give me this weekend (I’m traveling the whole day tomorrow ) 

I will let you know if I find anything 


in the meantime there is a debug verbose option in the config can you re run the event with that option true and send me everything that happen in the server console ? 




No rush, enjoy your weekend. I'm enjoying WTE with or without the zombies. 

I did more testing. I disabled BetterNpc at the Water Treatment Plant instead of unloading it like i had tried before. Then reloaded WTE again and now there are zombies spawning inside the building with the hackable crates. Hope this helps solve the issue or at least helps narrow it down a little. Everything else seems to be working as it should now. With BetterNpc, it usually disables the npcs it spawns at a monument when another event takes place at that monument. In this case it didn't remove the npcs already there and seems to have prevented the zombies from spawning at Water Treatment. 

Yac Vaguer


ok, I will keep this in mind. 


More important tell me later when the server is restarted if the Event load without you doing any manual action. 






I can confirm it is starting and stopping on it's own using the config file setting. Everything seems to be working as it shouold except for i have not had any F15s get triggered. I've been running it as a solo player if that makes any difference. I've also noticed the Samsites do not take damage from any type of rockets or C4. Wasn't sure if that was intentional or not so thought i'd mention it.

Yac Vaguer


The F15s are coming in a coming update 



I'm working on it, glad that you don't have an issue anymore 

Yac Vaguer


Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Yac Vaguer


F15 are spawning in the latest version, you might want to try it 



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