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Closed 1.0.6


I have a couple of suggestions for the Enchanting plugin:

1) Configuration to define and limit the target against which an enchantment will work, eg. Scientists, Animals, Players

2) Configuration to determine and limit the zone where an enchantment will work, eg. PVP zones, Raidable Bases, PVE zones

3) Add visual Cooldowns ( numbers inside the cooldown icon possibly ) for Enchantments that are still charging ( something similar to what is already used in your other plugin Cooking while cooking meals )

4) Add a new rune as " Blood Rune " received exclusively when killing other players ( this would also be useful to provide people with certain enchantments only through PVP )

5) Add a chat message when holding an enchanted item, as " You are holding an Enchanted item, press " E " to activate the item's Ability"

6) Add supplementary options to "Which button is used to activate the ability? [mouse3, use]": as the middle mouse button can cause players to accidentally scroll ( and lose the enchant ), and the " use " button will trigger enchants when interacting with pretty much anything

Thank you in advance

Edited by Rahd
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