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Plugins not found, but exist on supported sites

Closed 3.2.2


The following plugins say they aren't found

[ChaosNPCDownloader] - https://chaoscode.io/resources/chaosnpc.216/
[ChaosExtensionDownloader] - https://chaoscode.io/resources/chaos.321/
[BGrade] - https://umod.org/plugins/bgrade
[NpcSpawn] - https://codefling.com/extensions/npc-spawn
[ZombieHorde] - https://chaoscode.io/threads/zombiehorde.628
[ZLevelsRemastered] - https://umod.org/plugins/zlevels-remastered
[WalkingDead] - https://codefling.com/plugins/walkingdead

I've provided links here. Is this an issue with the plugin? Website? config?


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Unfortunately, not all plugins are found automatically because of their name. On ChaosCode I can not in principle search because almost no one specified in their plugins

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getting same problem with umod/codefling website, i know for chaos it don't support... but other problem, when reload a plugin or idk when, the configuration file is changed even though I had edited it correctly... and so it report

[DynamicPVP] - not found
[Backpacks] - not found 

as a example... if needed to open a support for this tell me, sorry for post here..

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I've sent a new ticket yesterday and seems deleted... i don't want lost my time for nothing so, sorry...

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yesterday, unloaded updatechecker => changed "Ignore not found plugins": false, to true, loading plugin and got spammed about not found plugin:


[RaidTracker] - not found
[ItemLeak] - not found

For raidtracker, ive already put the link...


the conflig was reverted and change after a restart...




Edited by Tanki
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I tested it and it worked fine. Can you send me a video because I don’t understand why I can’t reproduce the problem?

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ok, can't make better for help you, sorry... if you can't reproduce, il uninstall and back to manual, no worries 😉

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so... another test, the latest...

> o.unload UpdateChecker
Unloaded plugin UpdateChecker v3.2.2 by tofurahie#4144

UpdateChecker - Unloaded

set to "Check Interval(In minutes)": 5,
set to Ignore not found plugins": true

> o.load UpdateChecker
UpdateChecker was compiled successfully in 2512ms
Loaded plugin UpdateChecker v3.2.2 by tofurahie#4144

09:40:50) | [UpdateChecker] 
[RaidTracker] - not found
[CountPlayer] - not found
[IPLogger] - not found
[DynamicPVP] - not found
(09:40:50) | [UpdateChecker] 
[RaidTracker] - not found
[CountPlayer] - not found
[IPLogger] - not found
[DynamicPVP] - not found
(09:40:51) | [UpdateChecker] 
[RaidTracker] - not found
[CountPlayer] - not found
[IPLogger] - not found
[DynamicPVP] - not found
(09:40:51) | [UpdateChecker] 
[RaidTracker] - not found
[CountPlayer] - not found
[IPLogger] - not found
[DynamicPVP] - not found
(09:41:42) | [Tebex Donate] Attempting to log all stored connection events...
(09:41:42) | [Tebex Donate] Successfully logged all stored connection events!
(09:41:51) | [Tebex Donate] Attempting to process commands in the queue...
(09:41:51) | [Tebex Donate] There are no online commands that need to be processed!
(09:42:01) | [UpdateChecker] 
[RaidTracker] - not found
[CountPlayer] - not found
[IPLogger] - not found
[DynamicPVP] - not found

why it found CountPlayer, i've unloaded and removed they plugin before make this :x

on the config file, only DynamicPVP was removed:

      "Plugin name (it's just a file name without .cs": "RaidTracker",
      "Plugin version": "2.1.1",
      "Link to plugin [Umod | Codefling | LoneDesign | ChaosCode]": "https://umod.org/plugins/raid-tracker",
      "Ignore new version": false
      "Plugin name (it's just a file name without .cs": "DynamicPVP",
      "Plugin version": "4.2.16",
      "Link to plugin [Umod | Codefling | LoneDesign | ChaosCode]": "",
      "Ignore new version": false
      "Plugin name (it's just a file name without .cs": "IPLogger",
      "Plugin version": "1.0.1",
      "Link to plugin [Umod | Codefling | LoneDesign | ChaosCode]": "https://umod.org/plugins/ip-logger",
      "Ignore new version": false

Uploaded config file for you see the change



UpdateCheckerAfter.json UpdateCheckerBefore.json

Edited by Tanki
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With your config, I don’t get “Not found” messages.

Your config files don’t have “CountPlayer,” so you can’t get the message “[CountPlayer] - Not found.”

Can you write to me on my Discord “tofruahie”, and I will give you the modified UpdateChecker version.

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plugin running from 3h and no message :x


trying: checkupdates => [UpdateChecker] The plugin already scans other plugins for updates.


for testing, i've changed some version on .cs file.... after 2h nothing about old version.

thanks for try 

Edited by Tanki
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