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5x Loot Table Config 1.1.0

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What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog


Chinook CRATE

  • Decreased amount of scrap from chinookcrate (240>180)
  • Added HMLMG and M39 to chinookcrate

Elite crate

  • Added HMLMG and M39 and SMG body to elite crate
  • Increased amount of scrap for elite crate (60>75)

Military crate

  • Increased amount of scrap for military crate (20>35)
  • Increased amount of dropped items from 3>5 to 4>6
  • Loot amount is increased

Heli crate

  • Bullets amount increased 32>64 to 64>128
  • Added HMLMG
  • Increased amount of camera and targeting computer to 2>5
  • Increased amount of rockets and c4 to 3>6
  • Increased amount of items from 3>4 to 3>5

Bradley crate

  • Bullets amount increased 32>64 to 64>128
  • Increased amount of rockets 3>3 3>5 and c4 from 1>3 to 2>3
  • Increased amount of smg and rifle bodies from 3>3 to 3>5
  • Added HMLMG


Supply drop

  • 5.56 bullets 32>64 to 128
  • All components amount decreased from 6>24 to 6>18
  • Added HMLMG and M39

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