About Timed Commands
Execute console commands daily or weekly at specific times of day, or at specific dates, with optional multiple Discord messages support and configurable server clock offset.
{ "Offset": "00:00:00:00.0000000", "InitCommands": [ "oxide.unload PluginA", "oxide.unload PluginB" ], "Timers": [ { "Time": "17:00:00", "DayOfWeek": 0, "Commands": [ "oxide.unload PluginC", "oxide.unload PluginD" ], "DiscordMessages": null }, { "Time": "6PM", "DayOfWeek": 6, "Commands": [ "oxide.unload PluginC", "oxide.unload PluginD" ], "DiscordMessages": null }, { "Time": "09/29/2022 19:00:00", "DayOfWeek": null, "Commands": [ "oxide.unload PluginC", "oxide.unload PluginD" ], "DiscordMessages": null }, { "Time": "09/30/2022 8PM", "DayOfWeek": null, "Commands": [ "oxide.load PluginC", "oxide.load PluginD" ], "DiscordMessages": [ { "webhook": "", "username": "My Untitled Rust Server", "avatar_url": "", "content": "```{0}```" } ] } ] }
Offset - Amount of time to offset server time from real time, represented by a TimeSpan format string.
If your server's clock is 1 day 10 hours 2 minutes 33 seconds and 444.5555 miliseconds ahead use "-01:10:02:33.4445555"
If your server's clock is 1 day 10 hours 2 minutes 33 seconds and 444.5555 miliseconds behind use "01:10:02:33.4445555"
InitCommands - List of commands to execute when the server starts up or when the plugin is loaded.
Time - A time represented by a TImeSpan format string, or a date represented by a DateTime format string.
DayOfWeek - A day of the week represented by a DayOfWeek Enum value ranging from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).
If a value is used the timer will run weekly, else the timer will run daily. Only used by TimeSpan format timers.
Commands - List of commands to execute when the timer fires.
DiscordMessages - List of Discord messages to send when the timer fires, each with its own webhook. Requires DiscordMessageAPI