Hello, was having some difficulties setting up a PVP zone. The server for the most part is PVE except for certain areas that are being made into PVP zones, with full PVP capabilities. For the most part everything is working alright except that players cannot damage buildings. Honor Build Privilege is on to protect the rest of the server but disabling that is the only way I have been able to allow damage to player builds in the PVP area. Even in that case doors did not take damage. Setting the player_building had no effect that I could see. Reviewing the logs gave me this message each time I tried to damage a base:
Checking ruleset default for attacking .
No Ruleset match or exclusions: Setting damage to False
DAMAGE BLOCKED for Candle attacking Candle, majority damage type Fun_Water
(edit -That log was after I threw a C4 onto an armor wall of a base that was not mine, but had a TC that I was not auth'd on.) I'm not sure if there is something I'm missing in the rule creator or if I should be doing something different overall, any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!