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Raidable Bases (Tier 3 Package) - Plugin sold separately. Bundle available. 1.0.9

$50.00 $45.00
   (10 reviews)

51 Screenshots

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Posted (edited)

8 hours ago, Limon said:

Hi, i would like to know, before pushare, all this bases was constructed for "door" raid, "wall" or "wall+door" ? I mean how bases (and loot tables) balanced for different raid mode? 

wall/door. loot is balanced for 2-5x server. each difficulty mode gets progressively harder, and gives better loot and more of it

regardless, it is inevitable that you and anyone else will change the loot because every server is different. the point is that you have 50 bases with a complete setup for the plugin that's much easier to tweak using minor adjustments

as stated everywhere, the plugin is sold separately 😛

Edited by nivex
AvG Лаймон


On 8/15/2021 at 9:50 AM, nivex said:


I guess you lied to me... its not look like balance... i trust u and buy bases.. but they turned out to be a big disappointment
at first i'd check all easy bases and i thought its disbalance is not a big problem and rebuild it.. It didnt take much time
but then i checked medium bases and i guess this will take a lot of time to rebuild it and it will be much harder
i really dont understand for what is 50$ price.. i even dont want to check other difficulties, i am sure that their disballance is much stronger
for now this is just garbage for 50$ which needs a lot of time to spend to rebuild bases for some balance 
its easier to build myself..


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for example, so that you can understand..
here table for easy bases before rebuild and after it


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7 hours ago, Limon said:

I guess you lied to me... its not look like balance... i trust u and buy bases.. but they turned out to be a big disappointment
at first i'd check all easy bases and i thought its disbalance is not a big problem and rebuild it.. It didnt take much time
but then i checked medium bases and i guess this will take a lot of time to rebuild it and it will be much harder
i really dont understand for what is 50$ price.. i even dont want to check other difficulties, i am sure that their disballance is much stronger
for now this is just garbage for 50$ which needs a lot of time to spend to rebuild bases for some balance 
its easier to build myself..



7 hours ago, Limon said:

for example, so that you can understand..
here table for easy bases before rebuild and after it


Personally I think it's good to have some variation between the bases in each category. makes it more interesting and realistic than knowing exactly  4 C4 or 8 rockets for every base in a category. Every player doesn't make their bases in such a way, so it makes it more realistic. Sometimes bases are easier to raid so make better profit, other times they wont, I like that. Definitely not garbage and well worth the money to get set up and running in my opinion.

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yes ZEODE, these are balanced around variance to keep players attentive and guessing. they are meant to be immersive, realistic to some degree, were made by players with the actual game in mind.

requiring specific amounts of explosives and making each base predictable is the complete opposite of everything this game stands for. it serves only to cater to people who want everything spoon fed to them, and to those who demand they always receive more than what they spent in return.

hard pass.

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Posted (edited)

players learned bases and will farm only most frofitable and getting loot from same loot table.. its disbalance 
and i mean that expenses to raid by door and raid by wall must be same.. need to be an idiot to raid base on door with 30 C4 when player can blow 1 wall with 4 rockets and get all loot

Edited by Limon
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that's not how you use this plugin. if you're trying to make sure players profit in explosives returned each raid then you're doing it wrong. players will quickly acquire an excessive amount of explosives,  netting them excessive amounts of materials, and get bored of the game and quit much sooner. that breaks all immersion, removes any challenge and is the complete opposite of how the game actually works.

profit does NOT have equal how many explosives they get in return. profit should be determined by the quality of the items overall. anyone who believes this is explosives only should be ignored.

the fact is this: players WILL continue to raid ANY base knowing that there is a chance they will not profit. why? because over time they WILL profit. they must continuously play to acquire this profit, and this is how your server should be maintained if you want to sustain a population and continue to grow it. providing cheesy content will not do this.

raiding by wall is almost always the superior option on any base so that's a moot point, too. once players learn the layout of the bases they will quickly determine which is faster. that's expected, and that's because it's how the game works. you're just being arrogant with that statement.

AvG Лаймон


ok. how about points for raid?? its not compatible with this bases 
same 10 points for every medium base but expenses are very different.. its so easy to abuse points

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Posted (edited)

Of course, I don't understand half of what you write, I'm not English, but not the point..
I asked before buying how much the bases on the doors/walls are balanced. you said that all the bases are fully balanced for both a raid on the doors and a raid on the walls. in fact, I see that there are really 5 out of 50 balanced bases. the payback or not payback of the bases is set up in the loot table with the help of minimum and maximum loot values as well as probabilities, but not when building bases. each raider will learn the base after the first pass and if he notices that he will spend 30 c4 raiding the doors and there is only one wall before the loot, he will always raid it on the walls later. the cost of a raid on the doors or on the walls should be the same, the boxes should be in different parts of the base and on different floors, but not all the boxes in one place behind one wall. in addition, it will greatly unbalance the top raiders in terms of points. well, no one will ever farm more expensive bases by getting loot from the same loot table and getting the same number of points if there are bases where you can blow up 1 wall and take all the loot and get points.
I admit that you have a completely different (very strange) vision about raids. but I asked before buying and you lied...
in the future, in order to avoid such incidents, I advise you to post information about the expenses of each base (as I showed in the screenshots) to the discription about the base package
however, I am almost sure that in this case almost no one will want to buy such bases.. probably that's why this information is not there
I also understand that it is completely useless to say and discuss something, there is nothing you will change anyway.
so I just spoke out and will leave it here so others can see it and think about it.

Edited by Limon
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Posted (edited)

there's no point in continuing this conversation. you are repeating what you've already said, and are ignoring everything I've said because you claim you don't understand yet you contradict this.

you're not here to be informative. you're here to argue, and push your opinion off as how everything should be. your opinion was heard, taken into consideration, and refuted. it is not viable.

i value everyone's opinion, and that is how this plugin and others have come so far. i implement the ideas from you guys, for you guys. i have your interest and your players interest in mind. i want your servers to grow, and to sustain their population. it brings me great joy to hear this happens so frequently with this plugin. i know what works, and what doesn't. so understand me clearly when i tell you that something will not work. instant gratification is short lived. it's a bad idea.

Edited by nivex

Posted (edited)

8 hours ago, Limon said:

ok. how about points for raid?? its not compatible with this bases 
same 10 points for every medium base but expenses are very different.. its so easy to abuse points

that's the same as saying ServerReward points, or Economic points as rewards isn't a viable option because it's a static amount. they are for completing a specific difficulty and that's it. don't misconstrue it into something it isn't.


Edited by nivex

Posted (edited)

I have tested all 50 databases. 46 of them have entrances(doors, hatches) and through them you can get to the entire loot. On hard6 bases, expert9, night8 and 9 there are no doors, hatches, etc. how to get to the loot, whose damage is caused by the walls, is this so intended or a mistake in the buildings? The bases are hard7, night6, night7 do not spawn at all, causing errors. hard7 - Failed to call the "CmdChatPaste" hook in the "CopyPaste v4.1.27" plugin (exception JsonReaderException: Unexpected character detected during value analysis: }. Path", line 1, position 6.) night6 - Failed to call the "CmdChatPaste" hook in the "CopyPaste v4.1.27" plugin (Exception JsonReaderException: Invalid character of the property ID: {. Path 'of the entity[309].pos', line 8798, position 4.) night7 - Failed to call hook 'CmdChatPaste' on plugin 'CopyPaste v4.1.27' (JsonReaderException: Invalid character after parsing property name. Expected ':' but got: y. Path 'entities[80].IOEntity.outputs[1].connectedToSlot', line 4118, position 9.)

Edited by Муреныч
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2 hours ago, Муреныч said:

I have tested all 50 databases. 46 of them have entrances(doors, hatches) and through them you can get to the entire loot. On hard6 bases, expert9, night8 and 9 there are no doors, hatches, etc. how to get to the loot, whose damage is caused by the walls, is this so intended or a mistake in the buildings? The bases are hard7, night6, night7 do not spawn at all, causing errors. hard7 - Failed to call the "CmdChatPaste" hook in the "CopyPaste v4.1.27" plugin (exception JsonReaderException: Unexpected character detected during value analysis: }. Path", line 1, position 6.) night6 - Failed to call the "CmdChatPaste" hook in the "CopyPaste v4.1.27" plugin (Exception JsonReaderException: Invalid character of the property ID: {. Path 'of the entity[309].pos', line 8798, position 4.) night7 - Failed to call hook 'CmdChatPaste' on plugin 'CopyPaste v4.1.27' (JsonReaderException: Invalid character after parsing property name. Expected ':' but got: y. Path 'entities[80].IOEntity.outputs[1].connectedToSlot', line 4118, position 9.)

Have you edited the copypaste data files for the bases? It sounds like there is a typo, or incorrect/missing character or those files have been corrupted somehow.

Have you tried re-downloading the files again and copying the copypaste data files back into the data folder?

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JsonReaderException errors are from someone modifying them incorrectly. It could be an additional bracket or a missing comma. Replace those files with the original and they'll work fine

ya, it is intended that expert and nightmare bases may or may not have an entrance. players must find the best entry point.

not intended for a hard base though so I will address that. thanks!

AvG Лаймон

Posted (edited)

nivex, tell me please how to raid by door "raidhard6"
And yes, I'm still raking your bases
upd. raidexpert8, raidexpert9, raidnightmare7 has same problem.

Edited by Limon
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Posted (edited)

raidexpert10 is fully broken
raidnightmare8 too

Edited by Limon
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raidnightmare7 exactly the same as raidnightmare9 but with a roof 😄

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let's summarize the results. after reviewing all the raidbases, I found that some are completely broken and will not fully spawn, some have no doors at all, some garages will spawn open, some will spawn underground. But the most important thing that I realized is that you simply stole half of the raidbases or copied them from someone on your server and did not even spawn once, because the shoals immediately catch your eye, even a blind person would notice.
I spent more than a month to rake the bases that I bought for $50!!!!!! and then I managed to fix only half, the other half just in the trash
I hope you will fix at least those bases that are completely broken in the near future, and please do not put objects inside of each other, because of this bases breaking.

А всем кто думает о покупке пакета с базами: даже не думайте, они и 5 баксов не стоят, серьезно..

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Posted (edited)

nivex!! what is it in your bases?!?!?

if you dont know this invisible prefabs which spawns with your bases are not removing and breaking servers 

Edited by Limon
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Hi Nivex. My problem is that out of four boxes, there is only one with a reward. The settings say "Split loot for all containers": true, But this is not the case. How to fix it?

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RaidableBases - Failed to compile: RaidableBases.cs(5292,24): error CS1061: Type `SamSite' does not contain a definition for `scanRadius' and no extension method `scanRadius' of type `SamSite' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

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@Grodonoff@RunNGunhi guys you need to update the plugin. also please post plugin issues on the plugin page



Ok, sorry bout that!

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I've already tried everything, why are they naked

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