Version 1.1.1
Event RF broadcasts on a separate RF frequency for different events, such as cargo ship, patrol helicopter etc.
Chat commands
/eventrf list
shows a list of events for which RF broadcasting is enabled and the frequencies on which they will be broadcast.
A configuration file will be created when first loaded with a setting to enable RF broadcasting for each type of event, and a setting to configure the RF frequency for each event.
"Bradley APC RF enabled": true,
"Bradley APC RF frequency": 4788,
"Cargo plane RF enabled": true,
"Cargo plane RF frequency": 4786,
"Cargo ship RF enabled": true,
"Cargo ship RF frequency": 4785,
"CH47 helicopter RF enabled": true,
"CH47 helicopter RF frequency": 4787,
"Patrol helicopter RF enabled": true,
"Patrol helicopter RF frequency": 4789
Note that the range 4760-4790 cannot be broadcast to by normal players, so using frequencies within that range is recommended.