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  1. Version 1.0.6


    The Balloon Bandits are trying to escape the island in hot air balloons after being spotted stealing treasure from the monuments. They’re heavily armed, so players need to plan carefully, taking out the ringleader first will make it harder, as the other bandits will scatter. When a bandit is killed or a balloon is destroyed, the electromagnet deactivates and releases the loot crate, causing it to fall to the ground. Once the main loot is secured, jets will be called in to eliminate the remaining bandits. Key Features: AutoLaunch: Set intervals for automatic event triggers. Dynamic Balloon Formation: Outer balloons follow the central balloon and scatter when the leader is killed. Dynamic Movement: Balloons adjust to changing wind speeds and directions, creating a realistic flight pattern. Customizable Loot & NPCs: Adjust items, health, and NPC equipment. High-Risk Airstrike Finale: Jets and rockets add a thrilling climax. Admin Commands: Quick control for starting and stopping the event. Compatible with Oxide & Carbon Servers Permissions: balloonheist.use — Grants admins permission to control event commands. Commands: Chat Command: /startballoon — Admin only Console Command: startballoon — Admin only { "AutoLaunch": { "AutoLaunchEvent": 5400.0, "EnableAutoLaunch": true }, "ChristmasSettings": { "EnableXmasLights": true, "EnableXmasPresentDrop": true, "DropInterval": 300.0, "CustomLootEnabled": true, "EnableRandomizedLoot": true, "MinItems": 1, "MaxItems": 5, "LootTables": [ { "ShortName": "santabeard", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "supply.signal", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "easter.goldegg", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "easter.silveregg", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "easter.bronzeegg", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "xmas.present.large", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "xmas.present.medium", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 } ] }, "Wind": { "WindSpeed": 4.0, "WindChangeIntervalMin": 120.0, "WindChangeIntervalMax": 240.0 }, "Dynamics": { "EnableDynamicMovement": true, "VerticalMovementAmplitude": 10.0, "VerticalMovementFrequency": 1.0 }, "Flight": { "FixedHeight": 150.0, "FlightPathRadius": 2000.0 }, "Samsites": { "TargetBalloons": false }, "CenterBalloon": { "BalloonHealth": 3000.0, "hackableCrateHackingTime": 900.0, "TurnOffBalloonOnNpcDeath": true, "RequireNpcKillForLoot": true, "EnableFlares": true, "NpcHealthMultiplier": 1.0, "RemoveCratesOnEventEnd": false, "CustomLootEnabled": false, "EnableRandomizedLoot": false, "MinItems": 1, "MaxItems": 3, "LootTables": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "Amount": 1500, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "supply.signal", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "cloth", "Amount": 50, "SkinID": 0 } ] }, "OuterBalloons": { "BalloonHealth": 2000.0, "EnableBalloon": true, "FollowCenterBalloon": true, "BalloonCount": 6, "BalloonRadius": 100.0, "TurnOffBalloonOnNpcDeath": true, "RequireNpcKillForLoot": true, "EnableFlares": true, "NpcHealthMultiplier": 1.0, "RemoveCratesOnEventEnd": false, "CustomLootEnabled": false, "EnableRandomizedLoot": false, "MinItems": 1, "MaxItems": 3, "LootTables": [ { "ShortName": "metal.refined", "Amount": 75, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "hazmatsuit", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "lowgradefuel", "Amount": 10, "SkinID": 0 } ] }, "CenterBalloonNpcLoadout": { "NpcNames": [ "Cpt.Bandit Bill" ], "Attire": [ { "ItemShortName": "santahat", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ItemShortName": "santabeard", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ItemShortName": "metal.plate.torso", "SkinID": 3106983511 }, { "ItemShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID": 1587744366 }, { "ItemShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 1587846022 }, { "ItemShortName": "roadsign.gloves", "SkinID": 2867945048 }, { "ItemShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID": 2490448596 } ], "Weapon": "minigun", "Ammo": "minigunammopack", "WeaponSkinID": 0, "NpcCustomLoot": { "EnableCustomLoot": false, "EnableRandomizedLoot": false, "MinItems": 1, "MaxItems": 3, "CustomLoot": [ { "ShortName": "supply.signal", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Amount": 30, "SkinID": 0 } ] } }, "OuterBalloonsNpcLoadout": { "NpcNames": [ "Scrappy Steve", "Stinky Pete", "Rusty Rick", "Breezy Bob", "Decay Dave", "Raider Ron" ], "Attire": [ { "ItemShortName": "attire.snowman.helmet", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ItemShortName": "metal.plate.torso", "SkinID": 2833391256 }, { "ItemShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID": 2899815283 }, { "ItemShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 2899814576 }, { "ItemShortName": "roadsign.gloves", "SkinID": 2867945048 }, { "ItemShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID": 2490448596 } ], "Weapon": "rifle.ak", "Ammo": "ammo.rifle", "WeaponSkinID": 0, "NpcCustomLoot": { "EnableCustomLoot": false, "EnableRandomizedLoot": false, "MinItems": 1, "MaxItems": 3, "CustomLoot": [ { "ShortName": "supply.signal", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "pistol.eoka", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.handmade.shell", "Amount": 10, "SkinID": 0 } ] } }, "EventMessages": { "StartMessage": "<color=red>Warning!</color> The Balloon Bandits have been spotted near grid <color=red>{grid}</color>. They were stealing treasures from the monuments! Stop them and reclaim the loot before they escape!", "NpcDeathMessage": "<color=red>{playerName}</color> has eliminated the bandit leader at grid <color=red>{grid}</color>. Stop the remaining bandits before they escape with the loot!", "LootCompleteMessage": "<color=red>{playerName}</color> has recovered the main treasure at grid <color=red>{grid}</color> and called in air support to take down the remaining balloons! You have 5 minutes to retrieve the remaining loot before it is lost forever!", "JetsInboundMessage": "<color=red>Jets incoming!</color> T-minus 30 seconds. Take cover!", "AllBalloonsDestroyedMessage": "The balloon bandits are down!", "EndEventMessage": "The balloon bandits escaped! The stolen goods remain unaccounted for.", "JetsEndMessage": "<color=red>Targets have been eliminated!</color>" }, "JetSettings": { "AirStrikeTimer": 300.0, "JetsInboundMessageDelay": 270.0 }, "EndEvent": { "AutoEndEvent": 3600.0 } }


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