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Everything posted by Enforcer

  1. I am doing a complete re write of the plugin it will be done very soon
  2. Enforcer

    Quarry Manager

    Will be fixed
  3. Enforcer

    Quarry Manager

    Yes, when they place it down it will automatically be locked to them.
  4. Enforcer

    static entities

    Changed Status from No Response to Closed
  5. Enforcer

    static entities

    Changed Fixed In to 1.0.6
  6. Enforcer

    static entities

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Pending
  7. Enforcer

    static entities

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  8. Enforcer

    Quarry Switch Lock

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  9. Enforcer

    Quarry Switch Lock

    I will look into it
  10. Enforcer

    Quarry Switch Lock

    just to make sure did you update the plugin?
  11. Enforcer

    Quarry Switch Lock

    Did you edit the config?
  12. Enforcer

    Quarry Manager

    Yes it does CanLootEntity also supports pumpjacks it works completely fine
  13. Enforcer

    Quarry Manager

    I will be doing it soon.
  14. Enforcer

    Quarry Manager

    Did you install the latest update? Maybe edit the config?
  15. Enforcer

    Quarry Manager

    Whats happening with the engine?
  16. Enforcer

    Quarry Manager

    Updated the plugin. Check version 1.0.2
  17. Enforcer

    Stop/Start Ability

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.2
  18. Enforcer

    Stop/Start Ability

    I will be adding more things that the plugin can do shortly
  19. Version 2.0.3


    Issues: Autospawn (static) quarries do not work. You can fix this by deleting that quarry and spawning a new quarry (sulfur, stone, metal, etc...). If this does not work you can use Uber Tool to place it and reload the plugin to initialize the zone and it should work as intended. Manage a certain quarry that has been placed down Chat Commands /qm h or help - Shows other commands and help text /qm t or team - Enables/Disabled quarry team share /qm a or add - Adds a certain player to the quarry share list /qm r or remove - Removes a certain player from the quarry share list /qm ra or removeall - Removes all players from the share list /qm l or list - Lists all players in the share list Permmisions quarrymanager.use - Permission to use the commands /qm or /qm help quarrymanager.teamshare - Permission to use the commands /qm team quarrymanager.playershare - Permission to use the commands /qm add, /qm remove, /qm removeall, /qm list quarrymanager.allowbypass - Permission to be able to bypass the static quarry dome for whoever is using it. quarrymanager.admin - Permissions for admins Configuration { "General Settings": { "Wipe Data on new save": true }, "Commands": { "Quarry Manager Command": "qm" }, "Chat Settings": { "Chat prefix": "QuarryLocker >>", "Chat prefix colour": "#FF6A13", "Chat icon": 0, "Quarry Share Messages": { "Print a message if team share is enabled": true, "Print a message if team share is disabled": true, "Print a message if a player is added to the share list": true, "Print a message if a player is removed to the share list": true, "Print a message if a player has activated a static quarry": true }, "RCON/Server Console Messages": { "Message the console if someone enables team share": false, "Message the console if someone disables team share": false, "Message the console if someone is added to the share list": false, "Message the console if a player is removed to the share list": false, "Message the console on static quarry lock activated": false } }, "Share Settings": { "Players can toggle other players quarries": false, "Lock quarry containers": false, "Team Sharing": { "Allow team to toggle the quarry": true, "Allow team to open the quarries containers": true }, "Individual Player Sharing": { "Allow added players to toggle the quarry": true, "Allow added players to open the quarries containers": true }, "Static Quarry Sharing": { "Enable static quarry lock": false, "Static Quarry Sharing": { "If the player leaves the dome unlock the static quarry": false } } } } Language { "Info.Help": "\n /qm h | help - Provides the following commands: \n /qm t | team - Enable/Disable quarry team share. \n /qm a | add - Adds a certain player that can access your quarry \n /qm r | remove - Removes a certain added player that can access your quarry \n /qm ra | removeall - Removes all added players that can access your quarry \n /qm l | list - Lists all added players that can access your quarry", "Info.TeamSharingEnabled": "Your team can now access your quarry", "Info.TeamSharingDisabled": "Your team can no longer access your quarry", "Info.AddedPlayer": "{0} Can now access your quarries", "Info.RemovedPlayer": "{0} Can no longer access your quarries", "Info.RemovedAllPlayers": "No one can access your quarries that you have added", "Info.NoAddedPlayers": "There are no players to list since you have not added any yet", "Info.ListCurrentPlayers": "Players that are added that can access your quarries:\n{0}", "Info.StaticQuarryActivated": "No one can access this quarry unless you leave the dome or the quarries fuel runs out", "Info.MessageRconOnTeamShareEnabled": "{0}, enabled team share!", "Info.MessageRconOnTeamShareDisabled": "{0}, disabled team share!", "Info.MessageRconOnPlayerAdded": "{0}, added {1}", "Info.MessageRconOnPlayerRemoved": "{0}, removed {1}", "Info.MessageRconOnStaticQuarryActivated": "The static quarry has been activated at: {0} by {1}", "Warning.NoPermission": "You don't have the required permissions to use this command", "Warning.UnableToFindPlayer": "Unable to find the player!", "Warning.UnableToAddSelf": "You cannot add yourself", "Warning.UnableToAccessContainer": "You cannot access this quarry, since you are not authorized on it", "Warning.UnableToToggleEngine": "You are unable able to toggle {0}'s quarry", "Warning.NoTeamFound": "You cannot use this command since you don't have a team" } Credits Thank you to Bsdinis for the help with V1 and so on.
  20. A plugin that when someone throws a supply signal it will spawn right above them or is it already a plugin because I saw it on some other servers.


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