Currently, the only way to remove symmetrically is with the hammer. This isn't ideal since there is a time limit associated with this.
Could you add a listener to "OnEntityDeath" so we can shoot out thatch, or another plugin could "hurt" the pieces to destroy them and trigger the symmetrical remove?
Here's a sample of the code I'm requesting to be placed after the current OnStructureDemolish block:
private void OnEntityDeath(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info)
var player = info.InitiatorPlayer;
if (entity == null || player == null) return;
var buildOptions = GetBuildOptions(player.userID);
if (buildOptions.SymmetryEnabled)
DemolishByType(buildOptions.SymmetryShape, buildOptions.SymmetryType, buildOptions.StartPoint, entity,