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  1. FoxMods

    Bank Heist

    Version 1.5.21


    Spawns custom bank hesits at specified locations. Optional Plugins Kits umod Part 1: Optional Bank Prefab Setup Part 2: Bank Plugin Setup Custom Prefabs: Prefab name should be labled as "bankheist" or "bankheist_1" for multiple banks. Permission bankheist.manage // Allow admins to setup bank events bankheist.worker // Stop guards attacking bank workers Commands 1. /bse <type>, spawn prefab entity of type for setup 2. /blp create|remove|update <profile-name>, manage bank loot profiles 3. /bgp create|remove|update|stationary <profile-name>, manage bank guard profiles 4. /bdp create|remove|update <profile-name>, manage bank door profiles 5. /bhm create|remove <bank-name>, create or remove a bank 6. /bhm parent <bank-name> <monument-name>, setup a parent monument for the bank 7. /bhm <guard|loot|door> profile <bank-name> <id> <profile-name>, setup profile for a door or loot to use 8. /bhm <guard|loot|door> remove <bank-name> <id>, remove entity from a specified bank 9. /bhm <guard|loot|door> create <bank-name>, create entity for the specified bank 10. /bhm mmr <bank-name> <radius>, map marker radius 11. /bhm pdr <bank-name> <radius>, player detection radius 12. /bhm tbr <bank-name> <seconds>, seconds before bank will reset 13. /bhm ato <bank-name> <seconds>, seconds before alarm will disable 0 = until bank reset 14. /bhm debug <bank-name> <option>, enable debug information options: loot, door, guard, info, everything 15. /bhm monuments Data { "BankEntries": [ { "bank display name": "Test Bank", "parent monument name": null, "time between resets": 1800.0, "alarm timeout seconds": 120.0, "alarm disable when all crates are looted": true, "spawn position": { "x": -668.1162, "y": 24.8576756, "z": 15.70411 }, "spawn rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "player detection origin": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "player detection radius": 100.0, "map marker origin": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "map marker radius": 100.0, "map marker opacity": 0.6, "map marker ready color": "#2eff74", "map marker reset color": "#ff2e2e", "map marker outline color": "#ffffff", "loot spawn group entries": [ { "Id": 3177, "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/chinooklockedcrate/codelockedhackablecrate.prefab", "Profile": "loot1", "Position": { "x": -0.04071045, "y": 0.04530716, "z": 0.196435928 }, "Rotation": { "x": -0.00194311875, "y": 283.140167, "z": 359.913574 } } ], "door spawn group entries": [ { "Id": 3593, "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/building/wall.frame.garagedoor/wall.frame.garagedoor.prefab", "Profile": "door1", "Position": { "x": 1.49249268, "y": 0.166625977, "z": -6.467394 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 13.3333187, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Id": 9537, "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/building/wall.frame.garagedoor/wall.frame.garagedoor.prefab", "Profile": "door1", "Position": { "x": 4.67230225, "y": 0.354122162, "z": 5.18401432 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 13.3333187, "z": 0.0 } } ], "npcs spawn group entries": [ { "Id": 1765, "Prefab": null, "Profile": "guard1", "Position": { "x": 3.79986572, "y": -0.289468765, "z": -7.350936 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Id": 1227, "Prefab": null, "Profile": "guard1", "Position": { "x": 7.863037, "y": -0.0256900787, "z": 4.15430927 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Id": 2957, "Prefab": null, "Profile": "guard1", "Position": { "x": 1.5680542, "y": 0.0291461945, "z": 4.185258 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Id": 3914, "Prefab": null, "Profile": "guard1", "Position": { "x": -0.6699219, "y": 0.08488846, "z": -3.12963676 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } } ] } ] } Loot Profiles Example { "ProfileEntries": { "loot1": { "MinItems": 2, "MaxItems": 5, "SkinId": 0, "HackableSeconds": 60.0, "LootItems": [ { "Shortname": "shotgun.m4", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "rifle.m39", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "rifle.semiauto", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "military flamethrower", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "weapon.mod.extendedmags", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "smg.2", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "smg.thompson", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "homingmissile.launcher", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "rifle.bolt", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "rifle.l96", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.basic", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 100, "MaxAmount": 100, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.hv", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 100, "MaxAmount": 100, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "ammo.rifle.explosive", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1000, "MaxAmount": 1000, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.mlrs", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 100, "MaxAmount": 100, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.fire", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 100, "MaxAmount": 100, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "submarine.torpedo.straight", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 100, "MaxAmount": 100, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "hmlmg", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "smg.mp5", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "rifle.sks", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "rocket.launcher", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "lmg.m249", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false } ] } } } Door Profiles Example { "ProfileEntries": { "door1": { "Health": 10000.0, "SkinId": 0 } } } Guard Profiles Example { "ProfileEntries": { "guard1": { "Name": "Bank Guard", "WearItems": [ { "ShortName": "metal.facemask", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "metal.plate.torso", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 0 } ], "BeltItems": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.holosight", "weapon.mod.lasersight" ], "Ammo": "ammo.rifle" } ], "Kit": "", "Health": 250.0, "RoamRange": 5.0, "ChaseRange": 25.0, "SenseRange": 75.0, "ListenRange": 37.5, "AttackRangeMultiplier": 8.0, "CheckVisionCone": false, "VisionCone": 180.0, "HostileTargetsOnly": false, "DamageScale": 1.0, "TurretDamageScale": 0.25, "AimConeScale": 0.35, "DisableRadio": false, "CanRunAwayWater": true, "CanSleep": false, "SleepDistance": 0.0, "Speed": 8.5, "HomePosition": "", "MemoryDuration": 30.0, "Stationary": true, "UseUnderGround": false } } } Configuration { "enable notifications": true, "enable visible bubble": true, "enable visible marker": true, "enable alarm trigger": true, "enable eliminate guards": true, "enable zone messages": true, "prevent worker looting bank": false, "prevent teleport from bank": false, "blocked zone commands": [], "spawnable prefabs": { "garage-door": "assets/prefabs/building/wall.frame.garagedoor/wall.frame.garagedoor.prefab", "vault-door": "assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/asset_store/bankheist_package/bankheist_vol03/prefabs/door.vault.static.prefab", "toptier-door": "assets/prefabs/building/door.hinged/door.hinged.toptier.prefab", "toptier-d-door": "assets/prefabs/building/door.double.hinged/door.double.hinged.toptier.prefab", "hackable-crate": "assets/prefabs/deployable/chinooklockedcrate/codelockedhackablecrate.prefab", "elite-crate": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab", "crate-normal": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "crate-normal_2": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab" } }


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