Version 1.1.1
RustGuardian is a Carbon plugin for Rust game servers designed to enhance fair play by monitoring weapon fire rates and tracking player statistics. It provides server administrators with tools to identify potential cheaters and gain insights into player behavior.
Weapon Fire Rate Monitoring
Employs advanced detection mechanisms to log instances where players fire weapons faster than predefined thresholds.
Includes a customizable configuration file, allowing server admins to monitor specific weapons, or set specific fire rates for each weapon.
Player Statics Tracking
Tracking of player activities, including kills, headshot kills, deaths, and total time played.
Calculates the Kill/Death Ratio (KDR) for a deeper analysis of player performance.
Periodic Data Saving
Ensures regular and automatic saving of player statistics in a JSON file.
Data is saved at set intervals, defaulting to every hour, to maintain up-to-date records.
User-Friendly Configuration
Comes with an intuitive JSON configuration file where server admins can easily specify which weapons to monitor and adjust their fire rates.
Each weapon is listed with a descriptive name alongside its ID for ease of identification.
Configuration file will be available in file directory after first load of plugin, and will update after restarting server.
For quicker support, reach out to me on Discord, warmestmilk