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You have some issues with the config files. Try removing the RealPVE and MonumentsWatcher plugins, then delete the files from the server that I asked you to provide. After that, upload these plugins again(make sure they are the latest versions).
Send me the files from the folder *SERVER*\oxide\data\MonumentsWatcher\ And this one *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\MonumentsConfig.json
Very strange, most likely there's something wrong with your monument boundaries. Maybe some monument(possibly a custom one) has a boundary covering the entire map.
If the issue persists, feel free to report it in this thread.
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
Hello, thanks for reaching out. Yes, after the update, the code shifted a bit, new lines 1840 and 1865.
Regarding time limit, you can only limit it within a range of 1-3600 seconds. Trust me, that's more than enough. *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\MonumentsConfig.json But if you just want to disable tracking(loot available to everyone) for a monument or multiple monuments, you can either disable it for all at once or disable specific monuments. To disable specific monuments, you need to list their IDs in the property named "List of IGNORED monument names. Example: powerplant_1", for example: "powerplant_1", "harbor_1", etc. If you want to disable all at once, you can either remove the MonumentsWatcher plugin(if no other plugins depend on it) or delete all tracked categories in the monument config file under the property "List of tracked categories of monuments".
Hello, do you want to completely disable monument tracking? Or do you just want monuments to be assigned to players without a time limit?
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
Hello, this plugin is compatible with Carbon, the compatibility section was just auto-filled. Regarding the collected data, you can find the full list in the "Collected Data" section on the plugin's description page. However, this is not a final list, it can always be expanded. Just let me know what additional data you would like to be collected.
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I tried running it on a server with a folder name like yours and got the same error. However, after removing the # symbol, everything worked. But I would still recommend getting rid of spaces in folder names as well, you could use something like "modded_1" instead.
I'm telling you, new plugins are released every day, and I don't see the point in giving special attention to each one. I'm simply asking you to add universal hooks for PvE plugins(2-3 lines), player entry and exit(and bags after death) from the arena. That's it, our interaction ends there, there’s no need for a plugin reference. You're worried about the performance difference between HookMethod and CallHook, but again, your arena isn't running 24/7, players aren’t entering and leaving it by the hundreds every second, and your plugin only allows creating one arena at a time(at least, that was the case last time). And again, I already tested the proposed method back in November last year, everything worked as expected if you notify about player entry and exit, as well as the "entry" of the bag(entity) after death. If I'm not mistaken, you forcibly create it yourself. The RealPVE plugin is subscribed to universal hooks that notify PvE plugins about PvP interactions for players and entities. Nothing more is needed in this regard. You're hard to understand, you say you understand why I don’t want to add your hook to the one(OnEntityTakeDamage) that triggers every time damage is received, yet at the same time, you say you won’t add universal hooks “just for one plugin". But how else am I supposed to know that a player is in PvP mode? Fine, you can also call these hooks not through Interface.CallHook but through RealPVE.Call, but what’s the advantage of a direct dependency? You could simply use Interface.CallHook, and any other plugin could subscribe to this hook in the future as well. That way, you wouldn’t have to do the same thing for every new plugin.
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Players enter and exit the arena far less frequently than the OnEntityTakeDamage hook is triggered. So, what’s the point of checking whether a player is in the arena every single time OnEntityTakeDamage is called? Instead, you can simply notify all PvE plugins once when a player enters the PvP arena and once when they leave. What is the benefit of your suggestion? Your approach involves a constant check on every damage event.
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Hello, which plugin?
No, the RealPVE plugin does not create PvP events on its own, except for PvP monuments. However, it allows other plugins to mark/unmark the PvP flag for players and entities. This means that other plugins, whether an arena plugin or PvP zones, can use the universal hooks mentioned above to notify any PvE plugins(not only RealPVE) that certain players or entities should be marked with a PvP flag, or have it removed when they leave the area. Additionally, there is an option to set a PvP delay when leave such zones.
If the issue persists, feel free to report it in this thread.
Changed Status from Pending to Fixed Changed Fixed In to 0.1.14
Hello, Adding the 'CanEntityTakeDamage' hook will indeed solve this issue for your plugin, but it's a workaround rather than a proper solution. You seem to be forgetting that a server can have over 100,000 entities(depending on map size and other factors). Every entity takes damage, and multiple entities can take damage per second. Each instance of damage is already processed by the RealPVE plugin, and if we add additional calls to your hook, that will at minimum double the number of calls. Then other plugins will start requesting their own hooks as well, just to avoid handling support requestsб further increasing the number of operations per damage event. Additionally, your arena is not active 24/7, meaning that in most cases, calls to your hook would be wasted. When they are relevant, they still create unnecessary server load. That’s why RealPVE is designed to work with general-purpose hooks(listed in the Developer API section) that allow marking or unmarking entities and players as PvP. This avoids the need for extra hook calls every time something takes damage. These are universal hooks, meaning your plugin doesn’t need to know about RealPVE, nor does RealPVE need to be referenced in your plugin. You simply call these hooks when a player enters the arena(PvP mode) and when they leave(there’s no need to call the hook on death). This makes the hooks not only efficient but also universal, any future PvE plugin, not just RealPVE, can utilize them. Your plugin doesn’t need to care about PvE plugins, and PvE plugins don’t need to care about your plugin. Nobody needs to worry about future plugins breaking compatibility. I’ve thoroughly documented these integrations in the Developer API section, probably more extensively than most other developers do for their plugins. You just need to read the documentation and copy-paste a few lines into the appropriate places, replacing them with your identifiers. Before adding these hooks(in November 2024), I even discussed this with you in private messages, explained their purpose, and asked you to add them. I even pointed out exactly where to insert the three necessary lines. I personally tested everything at that time, and it worked perfectly with those changes. However, you stopped responding. So I don’t quite understand why you are now asking me to add this hook when there is a proper solution that you already know about, one that will save server owners valuable performance.
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@NEXT@fermens Hello, the RealPVE plugin subscribes to the hooks OnPlayerEnterPVP, OnPlayerExitPVP, and others(Developer API section) that allow other plugins to mark players with a PVP flag. The Arena plugin author just needs to let RealPVE know that players in the arena should have the PVP flag, it’s literally just a couple of lines of code.