Hey there
3 days? Now I understand your frustration You should've contacted me sooner and I would've solved these issues for you no problem.
I know you're not lying. I know exactly what is wrong with your trains. You don't have the 'Automated Workcarts' plugin installed or set up correctly. The rail network is meant for automated trains, not for manually spawned workcarts.. If you only require manually spawn carts, the plugin will still allow them to pass through tunnels though.
I advise you install the plugin. https://umod.org/plugins/automated-workcarts
Make sure you use my data file provided with the map download and the trains will run with NPC drivers and stop/start at every station flawlessly.
There's recyclers at mines, docks, trainyard, excavator, harbours, outpost, bandit camp, airfield, satellite dish, launch site, military tunnels
I assume you have installed https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit ?