Version 1.0.1
Making a 100x server can takes HOURS making sure its the perfect server. With this setup, it takes minutes...
100x Loot Tables: Setup for a 100x with zero junk items inside the items!
Zero Junk Items: The loot tables are setup to have no junk items inside lootable entities such as furniture items, instruments, and electrical items.
Hassle Free Setup: Installing can take as little as 5 minutes. Eliminating the countless frustrating days it takes to setup a server.
Rust Skins: Players will get access to all rust skins when using the /s command. (If you do not own skinbox you can uses skins from UMOD for free!)
Fully Setup Kits: They are 6 kits included with this setup! Now that's a lot of time and effort that you will save...
VIP Ranks: There is 4 included ranks with this setup file. Free VIP, VIP-Bronze, VIP-Silver, VIP-Gold. These can easily be changed in the BetterChat file.
Full-Base Workbench: You don't have to worry about sitting next to a workbench to craft something...Instead, the whole base is a workbench!
MyMini: Your players can easily spawn a minicopter with the /mymini command!
Instructions are included with the download. Please read carefully.
Version number of the plugin is located next to each plugin that works with these config files.
Link to each plugins included in download.
Configs included
- Better chat config (v5.2.14)
- Building Workbench (v1.4.0)
- Removal Tool (v4.3.41)
- Time of Day (v2.3.4)
- Server Chat (v2.0.0)
- Server Pop (1.0.4)
- Noob Messages (v2.0.2)
- Monuments Recycler (v0.2.6)
- MyMini (0.6.0)
- Instant Craft (v2.2.6)
- Rust Kits (v4.4.0)
- Blueprint Share (v1.3.7)
- Blueprint Manager (v2.0.6)
- Beds Cooldown (v1.1.4)
- Auto Turret Auth (v1.2.2)
- Auto Broadcast (v1.0.9)
- Trading (v1.2.44)
- Better Loot config (v3.5.8)
- Automated events (v1.0.12)
- Automatic Authorization (v1.3.3)
- Furnace Splitter (v2.5.2)
- 100x Quick Smelt (v5.1.5)
- 100x Gather Manager (v2.2.78)
- Image Library (v2.0.62)
- No escape config (v2.1.35)
- NTeleportation config (v1.7.8)
- Custom Recycler Speeds (v2.0.2)
- Stack Size modifications (v4.1.2)
- Always in stock vending machines. (v1.1.0)
Paid Plugin Configs Included
- Welcome Panel + UI Addons (3.2.21)
- Skin Box (2.2.3)
- Clans Reborn (3.0.35)
Not all plugins have to be used. You can also modify all of the plugins to your exact liking if you wish to change anything. All of the items above are already modified for a 100x server.