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Everything posted by ineedalifexd

  1. Also the conflict with NpcSpawn is still happening 04.07 20:19:38 [Server] INFO Hook conflict while calling 'OnEntityTakeDamage[952055589]': NpcSpawn 2.7.1 [True] and RealPVE 0.1.7 [False]
  2. Thank you! Will update you if I notice anything. In which file would I add the images? I had updated them with my personal links but they've gone now. Do I have to redo it every wipe?
  3. Just found another issue so we're just setting up our server and there's 3 admins on in a team at the moment. Sometimes we'll throw an item on the floor and it can't be picked up by one person but can be by the other. I think this is the message when it happens Failed to call internal hook 'CanBeTargeted' on plugin 'RealPVE v0.1.6' [1065566406] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)
  4. I've got another issue with this plugin and Convoy by Adem. For some reason, when RealPVE is loaded the helicopter that accompanies the convoy doesn't take any damage. Tried changing server.pve to both true and false but the heli is invincible regardless of what we do. In addition to this, we're getting conflicts with the following plugins on some hooks, which I know is mentioned above but adding for clarity: GodMode - OnEntityTakeDamage NpcSpawn - OnEntityTakeDamage Final thing is with all the images being on imgur, I keep getting this error: Image failed to download! Error: HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests - Image Name: RealPVE_RealPVE_RaidableBasesOffer_0 - Image URL: https://i.imgur.com/4Adzkb8.png I did manage to download a bunch of images and add my own links for some but it doesn't seem to like it for the Raidable Bases ones. I know Imgur have cut down or stopped traffic completely because of issues in the past so it may be useful to look at alternative methods.
  5. Ahh that is the issue! I must have missed that feature but it's actually worked out really well for us and our server thank you for your help!
  6. After discussing with you in direct messages and updating Monuments Watcher to the correct version, everything was working fine for a while but now players are able to damage each other? All I changed was the links to images in the MonumentConfig.json file as the imgur ones weren't loading. I removed everything and reinstalled but same issue There's no errors or anything do you have any idea what it could be or where to start debugging? I am getting some hook conflicts, specifically with GodMode and NpcSpawn Hook conflict while calling 'OnEntityTakeDamage[952055589]': NpcSpawn 2.7.1 [True] and RealPVE 0.1.6 [False]
  7. Hello! I just bought this plugin and I'm having some issues implementing it. Our server runs on carbon and I get the following when reloading the plugin: 22.06 15:34:24 [Server] INFO Failed to call internal hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'RealPVE v0.1.6' [352240293] (Specified cast is not valid.) 22.06 15:34:24 [Server] INFO at void Oxide.Plugins.RealPVE.InitMonuments() in /carbon/plugins/RealPVE.cs:line 4317 22.06 15:34:24 [Server] INFO at void Oxide.Plugins.RealPVE.OnServerInitialized() in /carbon/plugins/RealPVE.cs:line 4656 22.06 15:34:24 [Server] INFO at object Oxide.Plugins.RealPVE.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in RealPVE.cs/Internal:line 1988 22.06 15:34:24 [Server] INFO Failed to call internal hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'RealPVE v0.1.6' [352240293] (Specified cast is not valid.) 22.06 15:34:24 [Server] INFO at void Oxide.Plugins.RealPVE.InitMonuments() in /carbon/plugins/RealPVE.cs:line 4317 22.06 15:34:24 [Server] INFO at void Oxide.Plugins.RealPVE.OnServerInitialized() in /carbon/plugins/RealPVE.cs:line 4656 22.06 15:34:24 [Server] INFO at object Oxide.Plugins.RealPVE.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in RealPVE.cs/Internal:line 1988 I also get a bunch of "Image failed to download!" messages after for the Raidable Bases images. I'm assuming this is why the plugin isn't working for me as we're still able to hurt players etc. I can provide a list of all plugins if necessary but there's a lot. Thanks in advance!
  8. you have to go to each dealer you don't want and do "/deletedealer perma" to permanently delete them. we tried removing their locations from the file and that didn't work i had to cycle a few days to get them all to spawn then added the ones i wanted myself
  9. Idk what's happened but it seems to be working by itself after the monthly wipe? Lmao no idea what's happened there but thanks for your help either way
  10. Yeah exactly that - didn't want to upload the full webhook. But yes, I see the messages in the console too. I'm going to try create a completely new channel + webhook
  11. It's attached above
  12. Nope tried that too and nothing
  13. Yeah it's still not working. It was working perfectly fine, just decided to stop working randomly. Also tried different webhooks etc
  14. Hiya apologies for the late response. Should've mentioned, I cut the message ID number before uploading for some reason. I've used the correct number: https://discord.com/channels/---/1094239673607528538 so I've copied "1094239673607528538" and it's still not working, even on 3.2.2
  15. UpdateChecker.json
  16. Hiya We've been using this for a while and it's been great, but for some reason it has stopped sending updates into the designated Discored channel. Happened a while ago and we went back and forth with it but it was completely out of the blue - no configs were changed or anything. We can see the updates necessary in the console but it's no longer using the webhook. I've tried changing the webhook, changing the channel it outputs too etc. and no luck. Any idea what it might be?
  17. That looks straightforward enough! Thank you will consider it if we decide to purchase it would definitely be better if the the plugin supported it though you're right
  18. Have you got access to an admin radar to search for them? Because we kept having issues where our dealers would spawn in the air and below the map. Had to cycle through shifts and use "/deletedealer perma" to get rid of them all and then spawn dealers in locations we actually wanted.
  19. Omg that explains why it doesn't bloody work! Such a simple fix too lmao thank you!
  20. Has anyone got this working with server rewards? On our server, it takes the RP but doesn't actually do anything. Doesn't exit the buy screen and no drone appears works fine with scrap and economics though
  21. Hiya! I saw back in December you were going to implement permissions so only those who wanted to would be randomly raided. Has this been done yet? I couldn't see it in the updates
  22. Aww that's really kind of you! I'll send you a message
  23. Don't worry! I know you can't please everyone I'll have to spend some time with it on my test server but if there is anything I can't figure out myself, I'll get back to ya. Thanks!
  24. I've just bought and downloaded this but a lot of the containers don't seem to be 5x... Biggest issue is with scrap e.g.: Vehicle parts crate is 8 scrap vanilla - config is set to 8-16 Loot barrels are 2 vanilla - config is set to 6 Military crates are 8 vanilla - config is set to 24 There's a bunch of other things too like there's only a "chance" of some items being 5x while others are 100%. Also items spawning with less than half health
  25. Hiya! Just wondering if there's a way to set the NPCs up so they only attack when provoked? I didn't see anything in the config / data files so I'm wondering if I missed it. Thanks


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