ServerRewardsWipe unloads because it cannot find sever rewards. It looks for it too fast and it loads after it's already failed and unloaded.
[Server Rewards Wipe] WARNING: Server Rewards not found, unloading.
[Skinner] Waiting for Steamworks to update skin item definitions
[SmoothRestarter] Loaded 1 restart time(s):
[Trade] Data was wiped by auto-wiping function (Old: 04/03/2023 20:00:35, New: 04/03/2023 20:00:35)
Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'Trade v1.2.5' took 216ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
[VehicleAirdrops] Loading configuration file...
[VehicleAirdrops] Loading GUI...
Server startup complete
Skin manifest imported successfully
Unloaded plugin Server Rewards Wipe v1.1.2 by ZEODE
ServerRewards was compiled successfully in 0ms