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Everything posted by TGWA

  1. TGWA


    @RynardFurHUNTake a look at the description section of the GunShips plugin page. You can find the item shortnames as well as the custom skin IDs that youll need to use to allow your players to use the custom spawn items to buy and spawn vehicles from your shop
  2. TGWA


    Awesome, glad you got it figured out
  3. TGWA


    Hi @RickJamesBitch, please check your "Gunship System Targeting Settings" as well as your "PvP Settings" in your GunShip.json config file to ensure that you are allowing Non-GunShip SAM sites to target gunships as well as (if the sam sites are player built) the settings corresponding to player vs player damage are also enabled. Additionally please check any TruePvE or other related plugins that could be modifying the targeting hooks to ensure they are set correctly too. In third-party plugins gunship vehicles are considered the same as vanilla vehicles so there shouldnt be any need to add or modify rules to make exceptions for gunship vehicles.
  4. TGWA


    @benkf there are some steps you need to follow in order to setup what is called a spawn node for the gunship plugin. This is a saved spawnpoint that is used by the plugin's API to allow you to call a command from anywhere (like another plugin, or a console) and spawn a gunship vehicle at that spawnpoint. Once you have a node setup all youll have to do is use the command format listed at the bottom of the gunships plugin page (also where the node setup steps are) and add it into the configuration for your talking npc vendor (if thats the plugin you want to use). The vanilla npc at bandit camp does not have support for adding commands and therefore you need some sort of system (like the TalkingNPCVendor plugin by Razor or a similar plugin) to allow you to add your own custom purchase orders. As for the setup for those third party plugins youll have to read the documentation on them in order to set them up, but youll be able to add gunships vehicles for use in those systems as long as you can use the spawn node command
  5. TGWA


    Hi @benkf, the gunship plugin does not randomly spawn these vehicles around the map. To add the vehicles to spawn from the bandit camp vendor you can use a plugin like TalkingNPCVendor or other similar plugins to do so. Check the bottom of the gunship plugin page for details on spawn node setup and command implementation
  6. TGWA

    Shop Inquiry

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to No Response
  7. TGWA

    Shop Inquiry

    @Nubenegra I am still unable to replicate this issue. Could you please send me the list of plugins you are using on the server? You can run o.plugin in your f1 console or in rcon to view this list
  8. TGWA

    Shop Inquiry

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  9. TGWA

    Shop Inquiry

    Apologies for the delayed response @Black cloud, I am looking into this issue.
  10. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  11. TGWA

    Shop Inquiry

    From the translated response I am guessing that the mini signs you are referring to are the ones on the vehicles, as in the ones you see in-front of the driver? Could you please specify what signs you mean as well as a picture of one that is having this issue?
  12. Log Death is enabled. Set it to false and reload the plugin
  13. TGWA

    Shop Inquiry

    @Nubenegra I am unable to replicate this issue. Do you have any build tool plugins that youve given to the players? If so please give me the name of them so that I can further look into this.
  14. TGWA

    Shop Inquiry

    This should not be possible, I will have a look into this issue and will upload a patch if needed
  15. TGWA

    Shop Inquiry

    Hi @Nubenegra, near the bottom of the config file for that plugin you can add your own vehicle profiles by copying any of the existing ones and giving it a custom name. From there you simply need to assign it with the correct item id and skin id (provided in the description of gunships HERE) you can then use the name that you created for that profile to reference it in any of the individual shops' configurations. Example: Note: The plugin uses item ids as opposed to shortnames, you can find a list of rust items here to find your neede item https://www.corrosionhour.com/rust-item-list/ Additionally I have no idea if this will work as I do not have access to the plugin, this is a basic setup and may require tweaking on your end. The gunship plugin works by waiting for a valid skinned item to be placed and then it will place the gunship vehicle on its own. You may need to set "Prefab" to either blank or null. For land vehicles (gunships): box.wooden = -180129657 For water vehicles (gunships): boogieboard = -1478094705 "reaper": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": false, "Can pickup?": false, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 7, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "Reaper", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/attackhelicopter/attackhelicopter.entity.prefab", "Image link": "https://codefling.com/uploads/monthly_2024_05/ReaperGraphic.jpg.ff24a9cb3f6057e272e9007824dcacc8.jpg", "Spawn distance": 15.0, "Fuel": 52, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 1500, "Skin": 3243996581, "Command": "tugboat.add", "DeployableItemId": -180129657, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": null } "Bandit Camp products": [ { "Vehicle key from config": "reaper", "Item (shortname)": "scrap", "Price": 1000 }, ],
  16. Changed Status from Work in Progress to No Response
  17. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  18. Hi @CoconutStandard, I have tested this with the most recent version of UMod (2.0.6320) with version 1.1.57 of GunShips and did not have any issue when placing any of the vehicles with either the regular or the reseller variant both with and without the use of UberTool (which overrides the placing mechanics and allows placement of multiple vehicles if used). When you get a chance could you include a screenshot or better yet a video of the issue you are experiencing? Thanks!
  19. TGWA

    TruePVE comflicts

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to No Response
  20. TGWA

    TruePVE comflicts

    Im not entirely sure that would actually work as truepve does not have direct integration with gunships and the vehicle types are purely a name and have no correlation to the actual entity in the same way a ruleset would with a minicopter, ch47 or sedan. Thank you for the info nonetheless!
  21. TGWA

    TruePVE comflicts

    Changed Status from Closed to Work in Progress
  22. TGWA

    TruePVE comflicts

    Glad to hear it ill keep this ticket open until I get the issue resolved with @Pionner
  23. TGWA

    TruePVE comflicts

    @Pionner Could you please send the following info: Vehicles affected (actual vehicle name: e.g apache, reaper, etc.) Ammo type used (Incendiary Rockets, Explosive Rifle Ammo, Regular Rifle Ammo, etc.) Target type and plugin / vanilla (Bradley APC, BetterNPC npc, Raidable Bases npc, etc.)
  24. TGWA

    TruePVE comflicts

    Enabling the TruePvE setting for gunships will override the outgoing damage. The gunship outgoing projectile damage system works by emulating the damage from a player as if they shot a gun (meaning the damage does not come from a vehicle, rather it is from the player). You will need to either modify the gunship damage config or the true pve damage config as such. For servers that are meant to be PvE you will want to enable the override setting in gunships and change the gunship damage config depending on your use case.


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